BatMic Marvel Comics 2004/2/7 16:56
4819 6
this is yana cova as spider-woman and my first attempt at this character. i don't think the lighting is quite right but, overall i am happy with the way it turned out. |
| poison ivy
BatMic DC Comics 2004/2/6 15:50
4968 2
another manip but i jest get bored when it comes to the background. |
| elektra
BatMic Marvel Comics 2004/2/6 10:06
4322 5
tried elektra . i thought the pose could really work but i just got frustrated with it. i could do with some pointers. |
| Dagger by Heroglyph
Heroglyph Marvel Comics 2004/2/5 9:40
8628 8
This one is pretty simple, but the model really reminded me of Dagger. I updated it based on feedback to make the costume look more like cloth and seperate from her skin. |
| "Memorium" - Maggie Q as Psylocke
Angelophile Marvel Comics 2004/2/5 6:47
8745 10
Originally I planned to produce an image of the early Psylocke from the X-men comics, but gradually that changed to producing two manips of Betsy then and her more recent incarnation (in the body of an Asian ninja). In the end though, the latter took over completely. (It was a lot easier to find pictures of women in leather than pink chifon. Go figure.) A large number of pictures were used in the creation of this manip - The legs are Sarah Michelle Gellar's, the torso created from a number of leather tops. All in all it's a bit of a mix mash, the only 'complete ' element is the face of Hong Kong star Maggie Q as Psylocke's actress.
(Edit - Tidied up the hair and arms where they looked a bit blurred, as well as trying to standardise her flesh and leather tones.) |
CEREAL_KILLER Marvel Comics 2004/2/4 8:59
5021 9
DISCLAIMER: This image consist of one ore more pictures from different source material (i.e. internet, periodicals, books etc.) to resemble a character owned by Marvel Comics. No permission was asked or given.
It has been a while since I submitted anything (art wise to this site); and while this was not the picture I intended to submit first it was the one that I felt was the most finished.
Using a picture of Thomas Jane (the actor playing the Punisher in the movie version of the comic) I basically pieced together a close facsimile of the original Tim Bradstreet????????s Punisher # 1 Cover. (See original cover here http://www.punisher-art.com/artists/bradstreet/covers/bradstreet_maxi/bradstreet_1.jpg).
The hardest part (and also the part I don????????t think I fully captured) was the orange tint the original picture had, but I did what I could with out killing the whole picture with orange.
While I welcome praise I would appreciate ???????CONSTRUCTIVE??????? criticism more (if you don????????t like me or something I????????ve done don????????t take it out on my work). And I am constantly checking my old work to see it there are any new comments so even if my work is old by the website????????s standards if it????????s new to you leave your two cents
Tim Bradstreet????????s Website: http://www.timbradstreet.com/abouttim/index.shtml Marvel Comics Website: http://www.marvel.com/ Thomas Jane????????s Filmography: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0005048/
| hellbat
BatMic DC Comics 2004/2/2 14:37
4003 7
someone else did this with a hellboy image and i liked it so much i tried my own version. |
| Storm
Freshmutt Marvel Comics 2004/2/2 3:33
4436 5
I have always wanted Iman to play Storm in the movies. And I think the original costume is still the best. This is my first photo-manip where none of the original photo is left. I completely painted over it in Photoshop. |
| wwoman
BatMic DC Comics 2004/2/1 13:19
6981 16
i'm very pleased with the way the breast plate came out. i usually have trouble getting the perspective right with ww. |
| batgirl3
BatMic DC Comics 2004/2/1 3:42
8004 10
still can't get the belt right. i began to rush a bit towards the end. |
| dark knightess
BatMic DC Comics 2004/1/31 8:05
5753 10
i posted this in the adult gallery by mistake. tell me what you think. |
| Poison Ivy By Winterhawk
Winterhawk DC Comics 2004/1/28 16:26
5723 10
I liked my Joker picture so much i wanted to try another picture like it. The leaf outfit took a couple of hours to create. I wanted a wierd kind of sureal contrast to it. Like the joker picture i was going for a feel rather then realism. |
| Slingers
Squedge Marvel Comics 2004/1/27 16:54
4177 3
The last thing I'll post tonight...
Probably my favorite of all the pieces I've done. The base pics/poses were rendered as nude bodies (without genitalia) in Poser, and then wverything else was added digitally. Costumes, hair, background, etc... All digital painting.
The ONLY bit that's real is the smidge of Edward Norton's face that I used for Hornet's face... Oh... And I lifted the logo from a comic book, then touched it up and textured it (glossy/ -ish).
| "Bad to the Bone" - Fairuza Balk as Marrow
Angelophile Marvel Comics 2004/1/27 3:27
7228 9
Another old pic but one I'm most pleased with. This photomanip takes one of the most underrated X-men characters and uses Fairuza Balk (The Craft, American History X) as her 'fantasy casting'. The body model is Angelina Jolie, taken from a Tomb Raider publicity still. Bones came from various sources. |
JustinBLong2003 Other Comics 2004/1/25 12:44
7736 9
Posted on demand. This is my last Silver Hawk pencil. ALSO, I WILL BE GONE FOR 3 WEEKS, SO NO MORE ART FOR AWHILE. SORRY BE BACK FEB 17. |
JustinBLong2003 Other Comics 2004/1/25 8:58
8786 7
This peice was done with pencil on a 8.5 by 11 inch white paper. I think her name is Steel Heart. To get the smothness, I smug the pencil with my finger. |
| Deathbird 01
Divine_Monkey711 Marvel Comics 2004/1/25 2:58
4647 3
An old manip (the first I actually finished) of Deathbird. Some good, some bad. But I had to try. Guess I have a thing for beutiful, psycho-killer women!? I wonder what Freud would say about that. ;) |
| Namorita's got the blues
Divine_Monkey711 Marvel Comics 2004/1/25 2:53
6259 6
A manip of Playmate Buffy Tyler as Namorita, during her blue-skinned period. The metal looks like crap, but the wings were fun to do. |
| Storm lights it up
Divine_Monkey711 Marvel Comics 2004/1/25 2:50
4556 5
Well, it's not Halle Barry. It's an old manip with a member of Destiny's child as Storm (don't remember the name), but i thought I should submit it anyway. |
| "Class Reunion" - The New Mutants
Angelophile Marvel Comics 2004/1/24 14:29
9193 10
Finally finished this piece which has taken me just over a month in all to complete. Would have been done sooner but kept adding more characters.
In the end from left to right, with their actors and actresses, the characters are Sunspot Aka Roberto DeCosta (Wilmer Valderrama), Mirage Aka Danielle Moonstar (Karina Lombard), Meltdown Aka Tabitha Smith (Christina Applegate), Magma Aka Amara Aquilla (Unknown), Wolfsbane Aka Rahne Sinclair (Kiera Knightley), Karma Aka Xi'an Coy Manh (Jaymee Ong) and Cannonball Aka Samuel Guthrie (Christopher Masterson).
All work was done in Photoshop 7 using a mix of visual effects created with Photoshop's own filters in conjunction with Eye Candy 4000 and Alien Skin Xenofex.
Hope everyone agrees the end result was worth all the work. |
JustinBLong2003 Marvel Comics 2004/1/24 8:55
6206 6
This was done with pencil on a 8.5 by 11 white paper. I used my fingers to smug the pencil to make the smoke effect. And that is about it. |
JustinBLong2003 Marvel Comics 2004/1/24 8:48
5721 7
This piece was done with pencil and white charcol on a comic book backboard. Size is 8.5 by 11 inchs. With a Adam Hughes style to it. |
JustinBLong2003 Marvel Comics 2004/1/24 8:40
5301 6
I know that this is a very simple piece. But I thought I would put it up any ways. I don't think that I need to explain how I did it. But if you look real close, you can see her eyes. Enjoy |
JustinBLong2003 Marvel Comics 2004/1/23 15:16
4152 6
This piece was done with pen and ink first then computer colored. Enjoy |
JustinBLong2003 Other Comics 2004/1/23 15:06
4753 7
This was done with a black muscle man. New background. Added sun shades, and pants. Enjoy |
JustinBLong2003 Other Comics 2004/1/22 16:03
7410 9
Another one done for ebay. |
| Women of the X:The Australian Years
Gouge Marvel Comics 2004/1/22 8:23
6199 10
Well I only have Storm to go. This pic dedicated to all the regulars that have made this place great. Thanks for making me push myself with all the hreat artwork you guys post! And as always to Hub for making it possible. |
| ShadowMan By Winterhawk
Winterhawk Other Comics 2004/1/21 19:35
3859 4
This is the third picture in my Hero's of Valiant series. for those not familiar with this character:Jack Boniface was a jazz saxophone player from new orleans. Unknown to him, he was chosen by a voodoo cult to become Shadowman to fight evil. One night he was bitten by a vampiric Spider Alien. Jack does not know what saved him after her poison knocked him out - only that when he awoke, she was gone. But she infected his blood with a poison that altered his use of the Darque Power when he became Shadowman. Since that night, with each sunset, Jack is overcome by the urge to seek and destroy evil. Drug dealers, in particular, are targets of his nocturnal patrols.
The manip it self started out as a picture of that guy from 2 fast 2 furious. All i really did was add the shirt, hair, and mask. I really like how the mask turned out. |
JustinBLong2003 DC Comics 2004/1/21 12:53
10640 7
| "Free" - Heath Ledger as Angel
Angelophile Marvel Comics 2004/1/21 1:49
4524 4
Continuing my posting of my older manips.
A photomanip that sprung to mind for no particular reason other than it will get a few friends of mine swooning. :) The actor Heath Ledger (of A Knight's Tale fame) seemed to have the right features and 'look' for Warren as I imagined him. His face was a basis for the manip. The body came from a random tailoring site, while the feet came from another image. The background was also found randomly on the web. The wings are an amalgamation of those worn by Alan Rickman in Dogma and some worn by Jennifer Lopez for a FHM photoshoot. The image was compiled in Photoshop 7 and finished off using the Little Fluffy Clouds filter.
| Black Canary
QuantumFX DC Comics 2004/1/16 17:37
8383 18
Well, I thought this little side project would get done after my villian manip. |
| Wonder Girl (redo)
Tazman DC Comics 2004/1/14 20:55
4895 2
| Dagger
Tazman Marvel Comics 2004/1/14 20:26
4918 3
| "Ecstacy" - Angelina Jolie as Stacy X
Angelophile Marvel Comics 2004/1/14 5:02
6974 2
Continuing my posting of my older manips while I play catch up with my New Mutants pic.
Stacy isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I was just beginning to really like the character when she was binned from Uncanny X-men. So this is my tribute to a character with a lot of potential. Got to love the self proclaimed 'first X-man to make a living on her back'.
The snake skin effects were produced with photos of various snakes from the web,combined with other reptile pics, and then imported with use of the opacity and hue and saturation control panels in Photoshop 7.
The background image came from a performance troupe called the Fluffgirl Society. Don't ask me what they perform, I didn't dare guess from the pic.
| Shadowcat
Aharmona Marvel Comics 2004/1/13 20:09
5838 4
Unknown as the playful Kitty Pryde. |