Doctor Omega, is the mysterious inventor of a projectile-shaped spacecraft dubbed Cosmos which can also function on land and under water. The Cosmos is 13 meters long and 3 meters in diameter. It outer hull is composed of is an element found only on one asteroid thus far (all of which has been used in the construction of the Cosmos) called Repulsite which when charged warps space\time barrier and enables it to travel in the temporal plane thus allowing for time travel. The interior is divided into four sections, the ship powered by the unique Omnicore drive which uses compressed antimatter derived from Quadrocite to power the small vessel. The windows are composed of Stellite (a transparent form of Repulsite). In addition to the pilot compartment, the sections of the ship include a cargo bay/armory, and ample sleeping quarters as well as a highly advanced temporal navigation room. It is important to note that Repulsite creates within the ship a type of temporal displacement field which causes those within to remain unaffected by any changes in the space/time continuum. Doctor Omega is a rare specimen indeed being an immortal and human, he is impervious to all forms of death save for extremes (disintegration, dissection, decapitation, and full body compression or the like) The doctor can be temporarily "Killed" by normal means during which time his body regenerates. Using a soul Stone the good doctor's life long companion Fred (The last Racaenoid in existence.) remains alive so long as the good Doctor does...their life forces inexorably linked to one another. Fred has all of the same weaknesses as the doctor with the notable exception that Fred is not harmed by non magical conventional weaponry. Fred also possesses cybernetic implants which glow brightly beneath his skin. The implants grant Fred superhuman speed (up to 550 mph), and colossal strength (Fred can lift in excess of 100 tons), Fred, while not highly intelligent does have enough experience to pilot the cosmos through both space and time and can plot rudimentary courses and activate the on board medical equipment. |