This is an image of an automated nano-surgical table standard on all IGFW starships. This sort of treatment is usually for a quick repair of un-salvageable limbs and is for immediate repairs only, Personnel can opt to have cloned limbs replaced at a facility better equipped to handle such procedures. Tactile sensation of modern Cybernetic implants is 90 percent which is quite high. The minor loss of sensation usually only takes a couple of weeks of adjustment. If necessary full replacement of all organs and skeletal structures with a loss of only 8% of tactile sensation and many people do opt for such replacements as they are a great way to extend one's life span but such a procedure is not without it's drawbacks after all a full cyborg is still a machine and machines break and have their own set of vulnerabilities and legal restrictions. Synthetic Cyborgs are still in their early trials and as yet no full conversion Syntheborgs have been attempted.
On an artistic note, the image seen here has no post-work and is a raw image, one I must say I'm very proud of.
"Steve Austin, Astronaut, a man barely alive. Gentlemen, we can rebuild him, we have the technology, we have the capability to build the world's first bionic man. Steve Austin will be that man. We can make him better than he was before; better, stronger, faster."