| Thread
DAGhoul |
Posted: 2006/1/3 17:53 Updated: 2006/1/3 17:53 |
Criminal Mastermind   Joined: 2005/10/2 From: Posts: 1856 |
 Re: DC Super Heroines vs. The Android Invasion Good job.
Lady Heromorph |
Posted: 2006/1/2 14:40 Updated: 2006/1/2 14:40 |
Official Award   Joined: 2005/10/21 From: Mammoth Mountain Posts: 5502 |
 Re: DC Super Heroines vs. The Android Invasion This great picture made The Lady Heromorph's picks of the year for 2005!
JRC4th |
Posted: 2006/1/2 1:06 Updated: 2006/1/2 1:06 |
Supreme being   Joined: 2004/12/12 From: Kentucky Posts: 1000 |
 Re: DC Super Heroines vs. The Android Invasion
Divine_Monkey711 |
Posted: 2005/11/21 4:55 Updated: 2005/11/21 4:55 |
Henchman   Joined: 2004/1/24 From: Sweden Posts: 1089 |
 Re: DC Super Heroines vs. The Android Invasion This is such an ambitious piece I am almost lost for words.  Great manipping on the girls, and I really dig the power FX.
Winterhawk |
Posted: 2005/4/17 16:17 Updated: 2005/4/17 16:17 |
Guardian of the Great White North (Webmaster)   Joined: 2003/8/17 From: Canada Posts: 6812 |
 Re: DC Super Heroines vs. The Android Invasion This is quite simply awesome!!
Spulo |
Posted: 2005/4/3 14:19 Updated: 2005/4/3 14:19 |
vigilante   Joined: 2004/4/3 From: Posts: 21 |
 Re: DC Super Heroines vs. The Android Invasion Wow... But Supergirl isn't down! No, no, she's just pretending! That army of robots next to her, she'll heat-vision their legs off as they walk past, or something...
JunFan |
Posted: 2005/3/28 18:36 Updated: 2005/3/28 18:36 |
superhero   Joined: 2003/10/1 From: Posts: 348 |
 Re: DC Super Heroines vs. The Android Invasion Now that's a lot of freakin work! -Leif.
Posted: 2005/3/24 20:50 Updated: 2005/3/24 20:50 |
superhero   Joined: 2004/10/21 From: Palm Bay Posts: 211 |
 Re: DC Super Heroines vs. The Android Invasion Very cool i like it
R_o_c_i_n_a_t_e |
Posted: 2005/3/24 13:47 Updated: 2005/3/24 13:47 |
mutant   Joined: 2004/8/7 From: Canada Posts: 162 |
 Re: DC Super Heroines vs. The Android Invasion The asian girl is a bit of a cop-out on my part. It Katana/Judomaster. I had to change the costume around a bit. Its the same design but a dress instead of a suit. Good eye! 
dreamslayer |
Posted: 2005/3/24 11:24 Updated: 2005/3/24 11:24 |
superhero   Joined: 2005/1/24 From: UK Posts: 267 |
 Re: DC Super Heroines vs. The Android Invasion Ok I can ID: Power Girl Super Girl Wonder Woman Bat Girl Dr Light Hawk Girl/Woman Starfire Fire Mary Marvel Hauntress Wonder Girl Big Barda or Catwoman My guess Catwoman but whos the oriental girl dong the kick? Oh by the way this is simply the best thing I've seen 
B4tm4n |
Posted: 2005/3/24 2:48 Updated: 2005/3/24 2:48 |
mutant   Joined: 2004/11/18 From: Posts: 200 |
 Re: DC Super Heroines vs. The Android Invasion This is amazing!!! I can't wait for part 2. Actually each of these battles could be done as a series of individual images(hint hint). That would bring out the detail and give you the opportunity to tell the story of the battle as it unfolded. Excellent work!!! Quote: Poster: R_o_c_i_n_a_t_e Date: 2005/3/23 21:34:49 Way in back I have Catwoman, Barda, Wondergirl, Huntress and a few other trying to find so room to join the fight. Most of them are barely visible.
Dark_Knight_DK |
Posted: 2005/3/23 23:11 Updated: 2005/3/23 23:11 |
Bat Junkie...and who took my meds???   Joined: 2003/8/18 From: Mexico City (we don't wear hats) Posts: 2623 |
 Re: DC Super Heroines vs. The Android Invasion A LOT of work!... niiiice
R_o_c_i_n_a_t_e |
Posted: 2005/3/23 21:46 Updated: 2005/3/23 21:46 |
mutant   Joined: 2004/8/7 From: Canada Posts: 162 |
 Re: DC Super Heroines vs. The Android Invasion Good Point Nightowl! Since this one did take a while to do I did have some time to think a bit. These invaders think very logically (almost to a fault). As a result their tactic is to gang up on the biggest menaces first. Since the powerful flyers would attack the ships and worry about the troops later, they would be the first on the list. SuperGirl and Mary Marvel are two examples of major menaces, thus in the picture they are the ones who are currently down. From the way the picture is framed it looks like Dr. Light????????s attack on the ship isn????????t unnoticed and the android in the right corner is lining her up. Mary Marvel and Fire see it but there is probably not much they can do about it. Alternativly there is also the possibility that it was a first come first server policy. SuperGirl and Mary Marvel could have been here a lot longer then the others. ???????Supergirl???????. the strongest one of them all.??????? That????????s a debatable statement. According to what I have read, PowerGirl and WonderWoman are both many times stronger than SuperGirl. But it mainly comes down to what era and versions of the characters were talking about. But just to prove I????????m not a SuperGirl basher (pardon the pun) I am planning a SuperGirl manip next. I have a model already chosen. Heroglyph, your right on about the Alex Ross influence. I looked back at the big battle spreads in ???????Kingdom Come??????? for inspiration a few times. Also I knew that there might be some complaint about the sizing of this image. I wanted it so that people could take it in as a whole without too much scrolling, but at the same time I did want to show the detail that went into this. So that is why I did the 5 close-ups at the bottom. Its sort of the best of both worlds and I don????????t think I????????ve seen anyone else here do it before. Although I have to say that it was pretty hard deciding which zooms to use. I????????m going to post image this on a few other sites and I think I????????ll do a few different zooms for each. 
Nightowl |
Posted: 2005/3/23 20:23 Updated: 2005/3/23 20:23 |
superhero   Joined: 2003/10/25 From: The shadows of night Posts: 422 |
 Re: DC Super Heroines vs. The Android Invasion This is one bad ass pic. The girls are kicking ass but I can not believe that Supergirl is down. Perhaps Batgirl or Catwoman but the strongest one of them all?
Thayne |
Posted: 2005/3/23 20:18 Updated: 2005/3/23 20:18 |
Dazed and Confused... mostly Confused   Joined: 2004/7/15 From: usa Posts: 3290 |
 Re: DC Super Heroines vs. The Android Invasion YOU ARE NOW OFFICIALLY ON MY BADASS LIST!!! When first looking at this I thought Android. Then looking through it I see sneaky chicks hiding in the background. Lots of eye candy makes me spend time looking and looking and looking. Ladies and gentle men, Mr. Android Turner! Ah hell, Im drunk. But damn even a drunk guy noticed all the goodies 
R_o_c_i_n_a_t_e |
Posted: 2005/3/23 19:34 Updated: 2005/3/23 19:34 |
mutant   Joined: 2004/8/7 From: Canada Posts: 162 |
 Re: DC Super Heroines vs. The Android Invasion Way in back I have Catwoman, Barda, Wondergirl, Huntress and a few other trying to find so room to join the fight. Most of them are barely visible. With the wasted effort trying to fit them in I finally had to say that this was finished. Otherwise this would have turned into a big mess. I really wasted to put Ice in there though. Her power would have be fun to create. Oh well, next time. 
Dragondack |
Posted: 2005/3/23 19:21 Updated: 2005/3/23 19:21 |
The Great Eternal Dragon   Joined: 2004/2/9 From: Edmonton,Alberta,Canada Posts: 11284 |
 Re: DC Super Heroines vs. The Android Invasion  Gee "ROC" thought you said after the weekend  Sorry to see you didn't get in all the gals you wanted to?  But I'm Happy to tell you it does work & look great but as I said before there are going to be cries of "Make it bigger " or "Why is this picture with so much in it so small" 
Heroglyph |
Posted: 2005/3/23 17:51 Updated: 2005/3/23 17:51 |
sidekick   Joined: 2003/8/17 From: Posts: 83 |
 Re: DC Super Heroines vs. The Android Invasion This looks amazing. More like an oil painting in the vein of Alex Ross, Boris Vallejo, or Julie Bell than a photomanip. I can't imagine the amount of time and work this took. 
Superman_2999 |
Posted: 2005/3/23 17:05 Updated: 2005/3/23 17:05 |
vigilante   Joined: 2004/8/29 From: Posts: 24 |
 Re: DC Super Heroines vs. The Android Invasion Ok, I really like this one. (Then again, I like any scene imperiling Supergirl)
StarChild |
Posted: 2005/3/23 17:04 Updated: 2005/3/23 17:04 |
Shaper of Worlds   Joined: 2004/4/5 From: Matteson, Il Posts: 3909 |
 Re: DC Super Heroines vs. The Android Invasion I like this a lot [although I'm ashamed to admit that I can't identify everyone]. Action manips are hard enough when it features just one person, but group pics are even harder, and more deserving of praise.  One of these days I'll find some good quality action pics and do one myself. In the meantime I'll just drool over ones like this. 
soccerkd11 |
Posted: 2005/3/23 16:12 Updated: 2005/3/23 16:12 |
sidekick   Joined: 2004/2/1 From: you mean that we have to actually BE somewhere? Posts: 56 |
 Re: DC Super Heroines vs. The Android Invasion I really like the art of this piece. It doesn't have the look of a typical manip piece (not the look is a bad thing), but it gives it that something differnt to stand out.