Just a quick manip of Kristiana Loken as Kara Zo-Rel. Multiple background layers - new york (yes I left in the towers!), couple of exploding planets overlayed and some kryptonian script. Supergirl herself is recolor of Kristiana's original clothes with some alterations to make the belt/skirt and the cape added from scratch. The shirt logo was deformed from one i created using psp vectors. removed some (few) blemishes and enhanced the eye color. Little ship in the background is kara escaping the explosion.
Wanted to do a more realistic version of the current costume, but I prefer the highly saturated feel, these are comic characters after all.
This is an homage to the helen slater supergirl promo poster of her flying over new york
Not too shabby. He top reminds me of underoos only because the top looks more like a silk screen t-shirt. But it is believable... so good job. Oh, and in my opinion, your logo is too dominating on this image. I personally would make it a little smaller and knock the opacity down on it.