Insolent Trickster, you DARE to strike...
Khrys 2009/4/24 0:02
3547 3
"Insolent trickster, you DARE to stri-AH! You dare to- oof! YOU DARE TO... QUIT IT!!! ... Oh no..." FAVORITE line from JLU, ever. Circe's one of my favorite characters in the DCU. She's the Anti-Wonder Woman, the twisted mirror image. Where Diana is an Amazon Princess, raised in peace, love and fellowship, Circe is the daughter of Titans, raised in a world of betrayal and distrust as a worshipper and eventual priestess of Hecate, the Goddess of Witchcraft. When Circe murdered her husband, after he stole her throne and power, she was driven from Colchis to the island of Aeaea, where she struck a bargain with Hecate. They would trade souls. Circe's mortal soul and Hecate's immortal body went up in flames, but before Hecate perished, she gave Circe a cryptic warning. "Upon the death of a witch and the birth of a witch, Hecate, by name and choice, shall reclaim her soul." As a goddess of the moon, Hecate had many names. Luna, Selene... Diana. Convinced that the Amazon Princess would reclaim Hecate's soul, even unintentionally, Circe set out to destroy her. And from then on, she's been one of the most bad ass, if underused and frequently underpowered for the sake of plot, characters in the DCU. For this piece, I wanted to hearken back to a number of Circe's looks, including the Perez era costume, the Deodato look, a touch of the Jimenez look, JLU and her most recent costume. I decided a cold fey perfection would nicely contrast with Diana's more earthly warmth, and tweaked Circe's build a bit, too. Granted, Circe's a mistress of illusion and an experienced shapeshifter... I hope you guys like it! |
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Lady Heromorph |
Posted: 2009/4/28 9:06 Updated: 2009/4/28 9:06 |
Official Award   Joined: 2005/10/21 From: Mammoth Mountain Posts: 5502 |
 Re: Insolent Trickster, you DARE to strike... Congratulations, This image made Lady Heromorph's Top Images of the Week ending April 25th, 2009
Tuffers |
Posted: 2009/4/26 8:12 Updated: 2009/4/26 8:12 |
sidekick   Joined: 2009/4/5 From: Posts: 95 |
 Re: Insolent Trickster, you DARE to strike... Holy Moly.....damn, I like this.
Circe rocks........if she wanted to, she could turn Lex in to a Boy Scout!!
Biohaz_Daddy |
Posted: 2009/4/25 6:19 Updated: 2009/4/25 6:19 |
deluded narcissist guru (Whateverator)   Joined: 2004/7/6 From: Posts: 2723 |
 Re: Insolent Trickster, you DARE to strike... Cool! This is sweet. I love the use of the power effects here.