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Main : ! Manip ! : DC Comics :  Total:1572

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Photo No. 1-30 (out of 1572 photos hit)
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The Huntress Comic by Dark Knight

The Huntress Comic by Dark KnightPopular
SubmitterDark_Knight_DKMore Photos from Dark_Knight_DK   Last Update2024/11/14 15:23
Hits6653  Comments8    
For awhile I wanted to work with a base pic of a mexican woman, so I found Barbara Mori, she's an actress ( soap operas), she's beatiful and have a great body.

Comments on the pic:

She wasn't nude (too bad) so I have to erase her ripped top and the lower area of the bikini. Then i have to reconstruct her chest (it took a lot of time, and I guess I did her boobs a little bigger, they look nice!), the mask was a little difficult beacause her face has a lot of shadow areas (guessing where the face beggin and ends), this time I try somenthing new, I added a little texture on the costume to help the leather effect (thanks batmic).

BTW: Espero que te guste esto Barbara (like she's going to see this)


SubmitterefindelMore Photos from efindel   Last Update2022/5/9 13:18
Hits1504  Comments0    
More playing with FaceApp, exploring using faces created via morphing characters in Daz Studio with existing photos. Also edited her body a bit in Photoshop.

Cosplayer: Liechee Cosplay

Face: my character Jen, aka Stunner

Wonder Woman GG

Wonder Woman GGPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2021/10/28 8:20
Hits1652  Comments1    

Star Sapphire

Star SapphirePopular
SubmitterShump1More Photos from Shump1   Last Update2019/9/10 10:40
Hits2740  Comments4    
My first go at this character. Hope you like!

Harley Quinn Bikinky!

Harley Quinn Bikinky!Popular
SubmitterShump1More Photos from Shump1   Last Update2019/8/24 9:03
Hits2129  Comments3    
Couldn't resist another Harley. This time, her tongue's not hanging out. Is yours?? LOL 1

Harley Quintessential! (PG-13)

Harley Quintessential! (PG-13)Popular
SubmitterShump1More Photos from Shump1   Last Update2019/8/22 13:40
Hits1875  Comments3    
"I don't often draw Harley Quinn, but when I do, she's usually sticking out her tongue." LOL

Riddle Me This....

Riddle Me This....Popular
SubmitterShump1More Photos from Shump1   Last Update2019/6/27 7:47
Hits1823  Comments5    
Do you like her better with the mask, or without?

Riddle Me This....

Riddle Me This....Popular
SubmitterShump1More Photos from Shump1   Last Update2019/6/27 7:46
Hits1970  Comments3    
Do you like her better with the mask, or without?

Supergirl city-watching

Supergirl city-watchingPopular
SubmitterdduckMore Photos from dduck   Last Update2018/9/20 9:59
Hits2997  Comments9    

Jim Balent Catwoman 'Dark City' Series

Jim Balent Catwoman 'Dark City' SeriesPopular
SubmitterPaulSuttonMore Photos from PaulSutton   Last Update2017/12/15 2:36
Hits3085  Comments2    
Jim Balent's Selina Kyle as Catwoman appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics

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This print and over 60 more are available at our Print Shop:
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Or find me also at:

Here she is...

Here she is...Popular
SubmittersaurMore Photos from saur   Last Update2017/3/3 2:33
Hits2713  Comments2    

An Old Manip!...

An Old Manip!...Popular
SubmitterMachobubbaMore Photos from Machobubba   Last Update2016/11/6 17:19
Hits2989  Comments2    
Wonder Woman Manip.


SubmittersaurMore Photos from saur   Last Update2016/6/1 19:05
Hits3107  Comments5    

Blue Beetle  gender-bender  by TAZMAN

Blue Beetle gender-bender by TAZMANPopular
SubmitterTazmanMore Photos from Tazman   Last Update2016/1/9 20:04
Hits7117  Comments13    
I really liked working on this one.  
a little touch up done.  

Power Girl 2016

Power Girl 2016Popular
SubmittersaurMore Photos from saur   Last Update2016/1/2 22:00
Hits5032  Comments7    

Batgirl Cheesecake!

Batgirl Cheesecake!Popular
SubmitterMsVMore Photos from MsV   Last Update2014/8/10 22:30
Hits4450  Comments3    
Joker has detained Robin and breaks in on Batgirl's aerobics workout.  Swiped my previous manip of BG and turned it sideways.  Swiped a Joker cosplay pic from a convention. Old-style cheesecake...  

The Lord of Dreams

The Lord of DreamsPopular
SubmitterdeathroseMore Photos from deathrose   Last Update2014/7/27 13:30
Hits3031  Comments2    
Morpheus, The Sandman, Lord of Dreams, call him what you will.  Jared Leto would be perfect for the role in a live action film. To prove it, I made this.  

BatGirl Defuses the Bomb...

BatGirl Defuses the Bomb...Popular
SubmitterMsVMore Photos from MsV   Last Update2014/6/19 8:00
Hits4237  Comments4    
Torso from cosplay bondage (removed the ropes and added the bat symbol); Rt. arm cosplay (made glove); left hand & gun cosplay; head from previous manip; left leg and right leg from spandex models; bomb from 3d peril pic; background & villain swiped from a dA pic and manipped.  

Supergirl (crop top)

Supergirl (crop top)Popular
SubmitterdduckMore Photos from dduck   Last Update2014/4/29 3:48
Hits5488  Comments4    


SubmitterdduckMore Photos from dduck   Last Update2014/4/29 3:42
Hits3722  Comments1    

BG: "The Casque o Amontillado"

BG: "The Casque o Amontillado"Popular
SubmitterMsVMore Photos from MsV   Last Update2014/4/22 11:32
Hits4325  Comments1    
My attempt to photomanipulate a recreation of "Detective Comics 401" (by the great, late Gil Kane - see reprint at bottom) which was loosely based on Edgar Allen Poe's short story "The Cask of Amontillado".  BG body parts from everywhere; Background swiped and manipped from a great poser pic at dA.  

Wonder Woman 13

Wonder Woman 13Popular
SubmitterWolverine1607More Photos from Wolverine1607   Last Update2014/4/21 18:20
Hits6039  Comments8    
Well another Wonder Woman image. And why not practice makes perfect. Just as well cleaning up some old stuff I have hanging out there. My favorite model still I think for WW, which is Alice Goodwin. WW belongs of course to DC. Artwork is mine. And as always thanks for taking a look!

Wonder Woman

Wonder WomanPopular
SubmitterTazmanMore Photos from Tazman   Last Update2014/3/6 16:26
Hits3787  Comments3    
daydreaming amazon

Supergirl Heromorph Anniversary

Supergirl Heromorph AnniversaryPopular
SubmitterWolverine1607More Photos from Wolverine1607   Last Update2014/2/15 12:17
Hits14675  Comments11    
I have been reading that Heromorph was having another anniversary. Its been a while since I posted but I've been around, if I can't post I still check the site regularly. So to say congratulations I had to do an image. This is to Heromorph and all the visitors and users of the site. And may it continue to have many more anniversaries in the future. Such a great community site that has so many great and diversity in artwork. Congrats. I wanted to do something a little different. The model is Heather Rae Young. Supergirl is trademark to DC Comics. Fan artwork is of course mine. Thanks for the look and read!

BG, CatWoman and the Saw!

BG, CatWoman and the Saw!Popular
SubmitterMsVMore Photos from MsV   Last Update2014/1/30 17:12
Hits9403  Comments0    
Remake of Batman TV Show and Detective Comics scene of Batgirl tied up for a "Pattern Cutter".  (Hope this is OK for the HM Gallery since it recreates a scene from comics & TV).  BG body from a previous nude I manipped; Head from an old Weatherman cosplay; Saw from a poser pic; Catwoman from Ertha Kitt TV promo still.

BaGirl and...Robin?

BaGirl and...Robin?Popular
SubmitterMsVMore Photos from MsV   Last Update2014/1/25 15:42
Hits3673  Comments2    
BG body from a nude - digitally spandexed; head from a previous MsVee oic; thug made from pieces of a dA poser.  Similar to many of my pics but I liked it enough to post it.

BG - Stephanie - in Danger!

BG - Stephanie - in Danger!Popular
SubmitterMsVMore Photos from MsV   Last Update2014/1/19 8:14
Hits3691  Comments0    
Legs from a spandex Cosplay; Head from a Cosplay; chloroform from Cosplay; made the rest...

LOBO's Greatest #its

LOBO's Greatest #itsPopular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2014/1/13 20:51
Hits3587  Comments3    
A Big Happy New Year to All Heromorphers:

BG: Bank Job!

BG: Bank Job!Popular
SubmitterMsVMore Photos from MsV   Last Update2014/1/10 17:28
Hits3571  Comments0    
Will she wake up in time?! Legs from a cosplay; head from another cosplay; torso made by me; bank from a poser pic; chloroform and blackjack from Jr's stash...

BG: Beaten to the Punch!

BG: Beaten to the Punch!Popular
SubmitterMsVMore Photos from MsV   Last Update2014/1/7 22:32
Hits3874  Comments4    
Put a digital Bodystocking on a nude; added a head from a previous manip; imported into a background swiped from a DAZ pic; imported a boxing glove from a Harley pic; unsnapped a belt from a cosplay tired of cleaning up edges...

Photo No. 1-30 (out of 1572 photos hit)
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