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Main : robert2654 Total:75

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Photo No. 1-30 (out of 75 photos hit)
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TMNT from Fortnite

TMNT from FortnitePopular
Submitterrobert2654More Photos from robert2654   CategoryOther Comics    Last Update2024/1/30 9:38
Hits471  Comments0    
This is another project I worked on a little while back.
I actually created G8M character morphs for each of these for use in Daz Studio


Submitterrobert2654More Photos from robert2654   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2024/1/28 12:59
Hits386  Comments0    
This is another outfit converted for G8M

Gotham by Gaslight

Gotham by GaslightPopular
Submitterrobert2654More Photos from robert2654   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2024/1/28 12:42
Hits322  Comments0    
Here is an outfit I converted to fit G8M in Daz Studio

Red and Black

Red and BlackPopular
Submitterrobert2654More Photos from robert2654   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2024/1/28 12:25
Hits308  Comments0    
Here is something I have been working on for G8M in Daz Studio

DareDevil in the Sewer (Netflix)

DareDevil in the Sewer (Netflix)Popular
Submitterrobert2654More Photos from robert2654   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2022/8/19 14:12
Hits844  Comments0    
DareDevil for G8M this outfit is availible on my patreon along with others that I have converted to fit G8M.


Submitterrobert2654More Photos from robert2654   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2021/12/31 11:42
Hits671  Comments0    
I love the way these 3 work together

Dare Devil Winter Watch

Dare Devil Winter WatchPopular
Submitterrobert2654More Photos from robert2654   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2021/12/31 11:37
Hits659  Comments0    

The Fastest

The FastestPopular
Submitterrobert2654More Photos from robert2654   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2021/3/11 13:57
Hits2721  Comments0    

Spidey's Out!

Spidey's Out!Popular
Submitterrobert2654More Photos from robert2654   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2019/8/26 11:14
Hits1703  Comments1    
This one was my take on Deadpools reaction to Spidey leaving the MCU. Hope you guys and gals like it.

That's Who It Is

That's Who It IsPopular
Submitterrobert2654More Photos from robert2654   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2019/8/21 15:35
Hits1432  Comments2    

Remembering A Fallen Hero

Remembering A Fallen HeroPopular
Submitterrobert2654More Photos from robert2654   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2019/5/28 4:18
Hits1438  Comments2    
Just a small project

Ironman UPDATE

Ironman UPDATEPopular
Submitterrobert2654More Photos from robert2654   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2018/8/13 10:16
Hits1609  Comments3    


Submitterrobert2654More Photos from robert2654   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2018/8/12 15:36
Hits1551  Comments3    


Submitterrobert2654More Photos from robert2654   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2017/7/5 11:22
Hits1681  Comments5    
just testing a few things

Deadpool VS Colossus

Deadpool VS ColossusPopular
Submitterrobert2654More Photos from robert2654   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2017/7/5 11:05
Hits1553  Comments3    
My take on the freeway scene from the movie.

Deadpool Freeway Scene

Deadpool Freeway ScenePopular
Submitterrobert2654More Photos from robert2654   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2017/4/24 19:30
Hits1740  Comments4    
This one took me about 3 Days. still not finished, but I just need to figure out what I want to add to it.

The Scarlet Spider VS Venom

The Scarlet Spider VS VenomPopular
Submitterrobert2654More Photos from robert2654   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2017/4/5 15:59
Hits1788  Comments2    
Messing around with new stuff in Dad Studio

Harley Quinn & Deadpool

Harley Quinn & DeadpoolPopular
Submitterrobert2654More Photos from robert2654   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2017/1/13 9:53
Hits1984  Comments1    
Thought this would be kinda funny

Deadpool Shootout

Deadpool ShootoutPopular
Submitterrobert2654More Photos from robert2654   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2017/1/2 13:34
Hits1673  Comments2    
Still looking for Francis

Throwback 1996

Throwback 1996Popular
Submitterrobert2654More Photos from robert2654   CategoryVideo Game    Last Update2016/1/4 10:13
Hits2031  Comments6    
Chris Redfield from 1996 Spencer Mansion Main Hall

Batman Beyond

Batman BeyondPopular
Submitterrobert2654More Photos from robert2654   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2016/1/2 15:04
Hits2057  Comments5    
Just a project i was working on a while ago and just finished it today

True Love

True LovePopular
Submitterrobert2654More Photos from robert2654   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2015/10/4 7:24
Hits1795  Comments7    
Honestly I think these two are the only two people who can tolerate each other and tho they are from different universes, were made for each other.

Hulk Smash

Hulk SmashPopular
Submitterrobert2654More Photos from robert2654   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2015/8/24 20:16
Hits1770  Comments3    
Finally got one I liked


Submitterrobert2654More Photos from robert2654   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2015/8/20 13:35
Hits1715  Comments2    
This is my own alternate costume for DareDevil

The Black Panther

The Black PantherPopular
Submitterrobert2654More Photos from robert2654   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2015/7/25 18:50
Hits1892  Comments5    
Always liked this character and finally got around to making him


Submitterrobert2654More Photos from robert2654   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2015/7/19 8:51
Hits1935  Comments4    
Kinda did my own version using the helmet from the movie.

The Silver Surfer

The Silver SurferPopular
Submitterrobert2654More Photos from robert2654   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2015/7/16 18:54
Hits1857  Comments4    
Found some cool shaders so i made this guy


Submitterrobert2654More Photos from robert2654   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2015/7/16 16:07
Hits1777  Comments1    
messing around

Lady Deadpool

Lady DeadpoolPopular
Submitterrobert2654More Photos from robert2654   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2015/6/13 16:18
Hits2572  Comments6    
Lady Deadpool is a female counterpart of Deadpool from the alternate reality Earth-3010, named Wanda Wilson.


Regenerative Healing Factor: Lady Deadpool possesses a superhuman healing factor derived from that of the mutant Wolverine that allows her to regenerate damaged or destroyed bodily tissue with far greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. Lady Deadpool is able to heal injuries such as slashes, puncture wounds, bullet wounds, and severe burns within moments. Her healing factor is developed to the point that she can regrow missing limbs and organs.

   Telepathic Immunity: The healing factor causes her brain cells to be in a constant state of flux and regeneration, rendering her immune to psychics such as Professor X and Emma Frost.

   Foreign Chemical Resistance: Lady Deadpool's body is highly resistant to most drugs and toxins. For example, it is extremely difficult, though not impossible, for her to become intoxicated. She can, however, be affected by certain drugs, such as tranquilizers, if she is exposed to a massive enough dosage.

   Disease Immunity: The unique regenerative qualities of Lady Deadpool's healing factor also extends to her Immune System, rendering her immune to the effects of all known diseases and infections.

Superhuman Stamina: Lady Deadpool's musculature generates considerably less fatigue toxins than the muscles of an ordinary human being, granting her superhuman levels of stamina in all physical activities. She can physically exert herself at peak capacity for several days before fatigue begins to impair her.

Superhuman Agility: Lady Deadpool's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete.
Superhuman Reflexes: Her reflexes are similarly enhanced, superior to those of even the finest human athlete.
Strength level
Lady Deadpool possesses great, though not unnatural, physical strength. However, she does have at least the strength of an Olympic level weightlifter. She is capable of lifting at least 420 lbs but no more than 800 lbs.

Annoying: Wanda's mental state has also proven to make her a very irritating person to be around. Many heroes often find themselves at wits' end around her; this makes for poor ability to cooperate with her in team efforts.

Come At Me Bro!

Come At Me Bro!Popular
Submitterrobert2654More Photos from robert2654   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2015/6/10 19:01
Hits1793  Comments5    
Thought this would be kinda funny

Photo No. 1-30 (out of 75 photos hit)
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