Re: Why I stopped reading comics

Posted by vishesfish on 2006/5/1 18:09:48
This is a fun thread! I'm not familiar with the marvel zombies and I doubt I'll ever read one (I stopped collecting comics when my second child was born. It was a simple matter of economics). I pick up the occasional comic or trade paperback, but it's got to be something really fantastic.

But, of all horror genres, I've always been most disturbed by zombie movies. It wasn't the horror. It wasn't the gore. It was the nihilist vision of the world they presented. If you take a zombie movie to it's ultimate conclusion, the world gets overrun by zombies until there are no humans left and there's really no hope or future for mankind.

Sure, Jason is the killer energizer bunny, but he can't de-populate the world all by himself. Zombies just keep on coming and coming and making more and more of them. The image or thought always leaves me feeling sad and empty.

Of course, this never stops me from missing a zombie movie when it comes out.

Night of the Living Dead, still one of the scariest movies ever. Shaun of the Dead, an absolute classic! And who can forget the best love line ever uttered in a movie:

"...Darling, I love you, and you've got to let me eat your brains!" (Return of the Living Dead)

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