Re: Cloverfield

Posted by Wasmith on 2008/1/21 8:28:14
A new Star Trek movie? Oh gee... Forgive me, but after Wrath of Khan, which of the Trek TV shows or movies wouldn't have gone down like flaming turds if they didn't have Star Trek in the title?

Actually, the two overall best ST movies are "The Voyage Home" and "First Contact". "Wrath of Khan" just seems better since it followed the practically awful "Star Trek - The Motionless Picture".

"Voyage Home" is good just for the wet T-shirt Catherine Hicks and the Kirk/Spock interactions in San Fran.

And as far as "First Contact", ya just gotta love the fact that the first music played by man in a FTL ship is Magic Carpet Ride by Steppenwolf.

Just my opinion on that, of course.

Oh, was this tread about Cloverfield? Sorry....

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