Re: Just curious what you think about............

Posted by UncleSickey on 2010/4/1 9:11:14
Well having been on both ends of this spectrum personally; I agree with Chup as I like to see a image or two of mine posted around. You can't really clampdown on someone posting w/o giving credit to the creator. The best you can do is to put a signature somewhere on the picture.

Now my paysite being ripped off by those damn Koreans and Russian's......well, that's another matter entirely. Just glad the webmaster has a kick-butt lawyer on retainer to stomp on them whenever my own or another artist's work appears on thier ripoff paysites.

But it all comes down to how much of a dick you wanna be. If someone posts a pic of mine on a forum and takes credit I usually just electronically 'pants' them publicly and mock them. But hey, I'm a asshole!

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