Just how difficult is DAZ to learn please?

Posted by nato on 2011/4/3 16:29:46

There is so much beautiful and well done art here, of all sorts.

I have been really intrigued and knocked out by some of the 3D work. So of course that makes you curious to try making some yourself. I've found DAZ Studio 3 and just barely poked around at it. I have to say, it looks not at all intuitive and pretty intimidating.

My question is, please, for a person of say average ability and time available, how hard is this DAZ to learn? How gigantic is the time investment needed to get to the point of making something recognizable? (not like fantastic like some pieces here)

I'm just trying to see if, with limited time, trying it is not worth while if I can't commit huge time to it. Not trying to sound impatient, just realistic about time available.

Because right now, I get the feeling it's a "at the foot of a vast ocean" sort of thing, and maybe I should just stick with drawing.

Thank you!

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