Where have I been?

Posted by Hisstoryman on 2014/3/10 7:48:02
I know I used to be a regular here and would like to be again, I just seem to have lost my motivation. Got caught up in a lot of personal stuff, mostly concerning my kids. My son, as some may know, is on the autistic spectrum. He takes up a lot of time but every advance he makes is worth it.

Every damn second.

My grandma's death last October also hit pretty hard, I just didn't realize it at the time. I am not an overly emotional person, correction, I am but I am good at hiding it. Even from myself.
Her death coincided with the car crash I was in. I have been home since. Slowly recovering, I will get there. The worst part was how it shattered my confidence. I find myself in dark places at times, due to the pain and the slow progress.

I am not sure why I am writing this. Maybe I needed to vent? Perhaps I felt, you, my friends in this special spot on the internet deserved an explanation?
Thanks for reading this.

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