Posted by Alex on 2014/4/3 2:38:58
So who out there is excited to see the new TMNT movie? I don't know about you but I'm not looking forward to it all that much. Don't get me wrong I loved the 80s movies, I grew up with them. But lets start at the start, Michael Bay nope, just look at Transformers, Megan Fox as April O'Neil (or any character) nope. She may have great boobs and a nice ass but not the greatest face and she doesn't seem to smile,theres more to a women than T and A, also acting helps. Would have loved to see Jennifer Lawrence as April, I could believe she could kick ass along side the Turtles. Shredder not a Japanese man, nope. And then there was the Turtles being aliens bit, I waited on that one and they have changed that or revealed that the ooze is alien. We did get a glimpse of what the Turtles would look like with toy pictures and again I waited until official picture/trailer was out. But now the trailer is out, yes not much is shown fighting wise but we finally saw the turtles and oh dear god I don't like it. I've watched it few time hoping it get s better but still finish with disappointment.

Anyway what do you fellow Heromorphers think?

As a side note, has anyone read the comics? I would like to read some of them to see where it all begin but what stories/collections are the best?

Trailer for those who havent seen it
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Trailer

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