Probably interruption of service of Heromorph

Posted by Winterhawk on 2015/10/21 11:10:32
Just to let everyone know.

We recently have been informed that the server we are on is being shut down and we are being moved to a new server.
We only found out a couple of days ago and this server is going out on Oct 31/2015. the New server isn't even 100% ready at this time to start to transfer the site over to it.

Most likely we will be out for a little bit.
I would also except that the site may lose some of the newer posts images etc. that are posted around the time of the move. So if you come to the site and see an image you recently posted gone. If you didn't get a pm or e-mail, it was lost due to behind the scenes, backups and transfers.
Please repost.

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