Re: Why I stopped reading comics

Posted by Winterhawk on 2006/5/7 10:15:24
I never stopped reading comics. I stopped collecting them on a huge scale but never stopped reading them.

Hell I have thousands of comics, so I will look thru my comic boxes and pick a story line to read every once few weeks. Some are better then I remember and some are worse.

I still purchase comic books, but I usually only pick them up in line a the grocery store. Unfortunatly unlike B-daddy and Quantum, I don't have anywhere to go and read comics for free. , but that hasn't stopped me.

Never read a horror comic, but I went searching for some of these Marvel zombie comicbooks when this thread started, and I gotta Say..they look pretty cool Whats the harm in a issue or two of undead murder and mayhem. They look good for a laugh anyway.

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