Re: Stereotypes in comic books

Posted by Thayne on 2007/4/4 4:35:00
Read up on the creator of Wonder Woman. The man was a freak and he originally created her to be a serious man hater. BUT in the 50's the culture wasn't about to have a woman do anything more than lick the dirt a man walked on. So for the most part she was basically the secretary for the Justice League.

Telepath's/Psychic's all seem to do alot of fighting in an astral realm.

If you're strong you're huge or possibly disfigured.

In some ways you can actually make a comparison between Charles Xavier and MLK, as well as, Magneto to Malcolm X. Adding in the idea of human vs mutant reflects black vs white. Dig deep young jedi, there's tons o' crap there.

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