Re: hentai lovers

Posted by LordKuyohashi on 2007/9/10 15:14:49
Well now hang on there a minute, cupcake. I didn't mean anything personal by it. I learned a long time ago not to judge people by their personal proclivities. If hentai is your thing, super for you. I know lots of people who go that way. I have a friend whose into the whole furry thing, for reasons that are between him and his own personal god. All I was saying was, I saw the words 'virtue' and 'hentai' next to each other, and it struck me as a tad funny. I wasn't out to tease or humiliate or condemn. I didn't intend to come off as self-righteous, and I apologize for any insult that may have been incurred.

That said, you should be aware that just about anyone can see the forum posts, including some youngsters. A bit of discretion would be in order for something like this. Google exists for a reason, as does Limewire, BitTorrent, other such apps. There are other venues for this type of question, more appropriate ones. You picked the wrong place for the wrong question. I can only hope that we both get past this unpleasantness, and not turn this into a flame war, because honestly, I don't think either of us has the energy for something that stupid. I'm sorry if this comes off as a lecture, I'm probably the last person who should be prostalityzing.

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