Re: Arthur C. Clarke Died Today

Posted by Wolf on 2008/3/20 16:19:52

Wasmith wrote:
Clarke was probably my all-time favorite author. He was a true genius (an overused word these days, but in his case the term genuinely applied). I never had a chance to meet him, would have loved to have been able to. I did write him once, and he was courteous enough to respond. I guess Asimov was a close 2nd for me, and I consider myself fortunate to have been able to meet him on several occasions and even have dinner with him once.

It's ironic that I have lost two favorite authors in recent months, the other being Robert Jordan (who I did get to meet, along with his gracious wife).

I hesitate to name a third favorite (still living) author, since these things always come in threes.


Along with Robert Heinlein, Isaac Asimov, CordwainerSmith, L. Sprauge DeCamp, Fritz Leiber, Hal Clement, and many others I can't begin to name...Dr. Clarke helped to give birth to the science-fiction genre. By going to various conventions, I got to meet a few of these Masters...sadly, Sir Arthur was not one of them ( Hal Clement was a fixture at Marcon; graciously treating His fans like intelligent family )

As Tyler McDowell stated, it hurts to see the giants of our youth leave us...but there is one thing to remember:

They leave us that much richer for their having been here!

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