Re: Updating without a valid reason?

Posted by drunkendragon on 2010/8/12 18:23:55

sorry, that darn Vee just cracked me up yet again.

THANK YOU, MissVee, for NOT disclosing such updates.
Although now I see that there is far more to the "MissVee Diet and Exercise Program" than I was originally lead to believe, huh?

As for Hawk's typo's, yep...I believe that in full.
But I must suffer the same disorder, 'cuz I generally understand everything he writes.

But seriously, I'm glad this has now been made a less informal rule. While I enjoy seeing how an artist re-envisions a project and updates it with progress in skill, composition and capabilities (this lets us see just how far one has come since the start)...
I feel that the best place for that is in the Hellfire Club. Specifically under the "Works in Progress" heading.

I enjoy the main gallery to see the great variety of artists displaying their unique individual talents. But when there are 7 works by the same artist on the front page, it takes way too long to sift through to see everyone's projects.
This is one of the reasons I really like the "3 post per day" limit, too.

Unfortunately, there's only sympathy that I can give to OCP for the increased work load. But at least he's a good sport.


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