Posted by Walandr on 2011/11/21 23:16:40

In this link was my first notice of what the Stop Online Piracy Act is. After the short video that shows what the internet (or the charred and empty husk it will become) would look like if something like this passes.

Let's face it. Marvel and DC don't want to improve their business models. DC just keeps jumping on company wide retcons and Crises, and Marvel retains Jeph Loeb and ROb Liefeld. I'm afraid of what will happen to this site if this passes.

After you enter the URL shown above, you will be taken to a page with 2 videos. Under the videos, there are a lot of informative links that will tell you pretty much anything you need to know about this frightening issue. THere is also a petition for you to sign if you want to raise your voice against this.

If you haven't heard of SOPA on the news, I didn't either.

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