Re: Comment on comments (or lack of)

Posted by darth_paul on 2008/9/2 18:15:22
Hmm, well I guess that I'll throw my 2 cents in. It seems to me that a lot of us are saying the same thing, that as long as people are looking at our stuff and were getting hits, any hits than that's fine with us. More constructive comments would be great, but they probably aren't going to happen. It also seems to me that none of us are alone in that at one time or another someone online has been a real ass and made us feel like crap because something we posted wasn't spectacular. We all seem to also have been on the other end and been the asses, I know that I can say that's been the case for me. I feel for Hawk and BHM, because I've all but left other sites where it just wasn't fun for me to participate anymore because of noobs that waltzed in like they owned the place and made me a long time user the object of their hate filled ridicule. Luckily many of my online friends defended me on those occasions and got the a-holes banned, but it doesn't make me want to go back to those places. I've always been careful not to be that way, and if I have ever said anything to offend another poster on any site, I've been quick to appolgize and difuse the situation. Like most others have said, I'm also one to only comment if something really strikes me, and if all I can say is a rather mundane, "That's Cool", or "Awesome Job", then it's only because other words escape me or there are about 10 other posts that have already said what I wanted to say and I just want to throw in my support that's all. I do on occasion try to offer insight to how things might be done better, but a lot of 3D and Photomanipulation is beyond me so I can't really be of much help there, and most 2D artists are better than me anyway, so why try to help someone who's better. Anyway, I do appreciate the few comments that I do get in return that are those of encouragement or that I've made someone laugh with something humorous that I've done, and I usually always respond with a thanks since I do appreciate the time taken that I am noticed in this sea of varried talents we have here.

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