Re: First Shot of Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man!

Posted by rhaydar on 2011/1/15 15:32:31
Im not really that surprised about the costume change. Not a huge fan of some of the design choices, but they had to do something to differentiate it from the Raimi version. The biggest positive I see is that Garfield actually matches more of the Peter Parker physique then Toby did.

I will reserve judgement until I see moving footage/clips from the film. It makes my eyes roll to no end when comic fan's get ridiculously judgmental over an ENTIRE FILM based off of one photo.

Come on guys, you know you'll be at the theater for this one too. These are the same people that said they wouldn't go see Spiderman 3 (which turns out to be the highest grossing spidey flick). lol

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