Re: "Spider-Man 3" Review

Posted by Biohaz_Daddy on 2007/5/15 19:26:34
Holy Crap!!! This is the shiniest turd of all time! Amazing special effects poorly realized... Awesome characters inexplicably altered... Highly talented actors completely underutilized.. All crammed into a story not fit for the comics this movie hates so much.

I am usually open to changes made to comic stories because of the limitations of movies, but in this load of crud they made changes that not only were without reason, and added nothing to the film, they actually derailed this crap train on it's way to crap town.

It's effing New York for God's sake... even the bad off Broadway shows are better than what they tried to burn our eyes out with. And couldn't they have put Mary Jane in a good jazz club, where they had her perform decent music?

As far as Mary Jane goes, I still can't see that creepy hippy chick Dunced as MJ.

But this is what we get by running out and making this giant mountain of refuse the number one movie. It just shows you how entertainment starved we are that we will plunk down our hard earned cash and eat this shit with a grin on...

What bothers me most is that this is made by the same people that did the first two... Who knew they hated comics and their viewing audience so much all this time...

It amazes me how little respect is paid to comics. Movies have become the basturd children of their source material with so few that have the courage or quality contained within it. Spiderman 3 ranks right below that other comic cinematic abortion Batman and Robin.


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