Re: Superman Reboot?

Posted by Hardcase on 2008/8/31 11:16:56
It's funny that "Superman Returns" breaks even and they greenlight a sequel. It's not until "The Dark Knight" and the money-maker it became before they want a reboot.

Nothing is going to surpass "The Dark Knight". It came out at the right time with the right amount of hype and press coverage due to Heath Ledger's death. Granted, it's a damn good story, a crime epic not unlike Michael Mann's "Heat." There were times watching it when I forgot it was a superhero movie.

It's kind of hard to do that with Superman. The man flies, for heaven sake!

I enjoyed the Brian Singer movie. I also enjoyed Ang Lee's "Hulk", so that shows you my choice of films. No, I didn't enjoy the radioactive poddle or the lame ending, but the thematic undertones and the style made it (to me) far better than that smash fest that was "The Incredible Hulk."

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