Superhero/comic movies - 2011 - GL, Conan, Thor, CA

Posted by Winterhawk on 2011/8/18 15:16:24
I couldn't find a thread for any of this summers superhero/comics movies. Some have already come and gone but Conan is still coming out.
Well what did you think.

Green lantern - I thought it was OK, it would have been better if the went with the plot of the cartoon movie they had a year or so ago. I was surprised that Blake lively was so likeable. Noermally, I find her just OK, but for some reason I found her smoking hot in this movie. all in all I would say better then average but missed the mark. 6 out of 10

Thor - Missed it, and haven't had a chance to watch it illegally online yet.

Captian America - This one exceeded my expectation. Granted those expectations were very low. I really liked the action, the plot was extremely predictable and such, but the acting was better then I thought it would be and the action as mentioned was great. The special effects were really good as well. I would give it 8 out of 10

Conan - hoping to see it next week. I am quite worried. The orignal Movie still is quite watchable and from the trailers this looks significantly worse. I could be wrong and we may be in for a awesome movie with lots of tits and decapitations like the original but somehow I doubt it.

What have you all seen, what did you think.

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