Re: TMNT A La Michael Bay...
Posted by darth_paul on 2013/5/4 4:27:58
Since my kids have now become big TMNT fans w/ the lastest Nick toon version, and I've been a fan since the beginning, yeah we're probably going to end up seeing it in theaters. I wouldn't worry about Bay, he's only producing, not directing, & I've heard recently that all that "alien reptile fighter" stuff isn't true. They've hired Kevin Eastman to help w/ the script & if anything all the alien stuff that's been mentioned w/ their origins has only to do w/ the involvement of Krang (singular)/Kraang (plural) or the Utroms (or whatever they decide to call the little brain aliens from demension x this time around). Which if you really think about it is just another adaptation of the same old storyline, so nothing to really get worked up about. The turtles won't be aliens, just be created by alien mutagen like always.
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