Re: Millenium Woman

Posted by Wolf on 2006/12/11 14:36:56

Dragondack wrote:
The first mistake movie makers usually make with comic book movies is straying too far away from the source material. Which usually happens because they don't know much about the character to begin with.

Take the Spiderman movie, it was successful because the guy in charge was a huge Spidey fan.
That's the first step.
Then you need people to work on the movie who really know how to make a good movie period.
Take good actors, and a good script and you've got a good foundation for good Wonderwoman movie.

I agree with you, DD...on the first two points that you make here.

My problem is the statement about the script. What you have mostly are the clowns out there who think THEY can do a great script with their heads up their as--butts ( sorry; I'll try and keep it clean...hate to force JrMcD. to have to "broom and dustpan" around here ) instead of sitting down and doing research. Without the right might as well call it a day.

Take my 'The Alpha Solution' campaign for the rpg "The Morrow Project". I even went so far as to spend almost a month talking to the Sociology, ROTC, Geology, and Physics departments down at the University of Toledo. I wanted what effects a nuke war would have on the Northern California, Oregon, and Washington sector of this country I belong to as realistic as is possible. Some of the players said "OVERKILL!"...but, they all said it was a kick-butt campaign to go through.

Now, if some of these jerks would be willing to sit down, peruse...oh, a 2-3 year run of a good comic book ( say..."Green Lantern" as an example ) you'd have a movie worth seeing over and over again ( like "The Magnificant Seven" can tell that John Ford, the director, did a fuc--heck of a lot of research on that well as watching the original ( "Seven Saumari" ) over and over again.

But...since they won' might as well throw in the towel.

Anyone else wanna put in their two cents worth?

Oh, yeah...Darian Caine ( actress, 'Alternative Cinema' ) For WW; and Conan O'Brien for Steve Trevor

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