Re: Heromorph's superhero Smackdown round 3

Posted by Winterhawk on 2007/10/1 19:41:36
I agree a lot of other people did indeed put a lot more effort into their images and each round then BB3 did here.

It is on script because in the script it does mention a mandatory rest period of 6 hours.

first line of the script

After the last Leg of the race. All the contestants have an 6 hour waiting period were they can eat drink sleep etc. they leave in the order they arrived.

unfortunately for you this does make the image on script. I do not think BB3 will win over any votes and have a feeling that the poor performance will carry over into the final results for the contest as a whole. However, he did have strong round 1 qnd 2 images and turn out so if he pulls off a good round 4 he still has a chance.

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