Duelling - Throw down the gauntlet and have at it.

Posted by Winterhawk on 2004/10/4 9:23:37
I have been thinking about this for a while.
Here is my Idea, that we have duels (artist duels of course).

An Artist can make a challenge against a fellow artist. The Artist that received the challenge then picks the "weapon" if he/she accepts.

"Weapons" used in the duels-
1-Same Base picture/pictures
2-Same character/characters
3-Specific Deadline
4-Specific Content
5-other criteria agreed upon by both artists and their judge.

The duelling pair must then ask an 3 impartial third parties to judge their duel. The judges will decide what artist????????s picture they prefer and then award the win.
For winning a duel you will receive one point. When you have reached 10 points you can have a custom avatar. Keep track of your points; I will check them when you try to claim a prize but not before then.
You cannot duel the same artist 2 times in a row. You may not duel the same artist more then 3 times in your journey to accumulate 10 points.
The custom Avatars you win duelling are yours to keep or to give away to who ever you see fit.

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