Re: Lady Mix-A-Lot

Posted by Dragondack on 2018/8/4 1:35:55
Okay I'm shutting-up after this, cause that was TOTAlLY not what I meant!...(lol)


OzZy wrote:

Dragondack wrote:
No,No,I was talking about the Muppet Big Bang Garden Party posted on 2018/7/23 21:20..?
...I should have kept my big mouth shut! (lol)



... Because:
Lady Heromorph comment on that image. (HECK! It's the ONLY comment there. How did you missed it? ) - Posted: 2018/7/27 17:53

Lady Heromorph post IN THIS FORUM TOPIC, adding your image to the Challenge. - Posted on: 2018/7/26 03:39 pm

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