Re: I Challenge YOU, voltron2000...

Posted by Biohaz_Daddy on 2007/1/1 18:24:14
Okay here goes...

A lot of good things going on here. The highlights being the hilarious cat, and Blue Beetle's pose. This is set up very much like a single panel comic, so the straight on point of view doesn't bother me. The word balloons add little, but the wording not being placed in them correctly bugs me a bit. Also the composition is a tad off kilter. The content of the picture and the wonderful execution on the two main characters of the cat and Blue make this a fun image and brought a smile to my face.

This one is very sharp. The image quality is high, the poses are all very natural, and the background element are top quality. About the only thing wrong with this image technically is that blasted lens flare...

Lens Flare is the Manipper's Cow Bell

Anywho, the technical aspects of the image are not the problem here, it's the content. It's not telling us much of a story. Instead it looks like it was jumbled together with out much thought given to why you put these elements together (other than the requirements for the duel). All that said I still found the technical mastery you exhibited on the image enjoyable.

So that leaves me with the two aspects of art balancing on the scales. On one side we have the elegance of technique, and on the other the power of story.

In this case I think that story has to win out. If for no other reason, that cat is hilarious!

My Vote Goes to Volts

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