Re: Superhero Smackdown Round 4: Marvel Attacks!!

Posted by Gnostic85 on 2007/10/14 1:31:35
Ruse is V4 with my Cho headmorph (just PM me for the link)and the Niko bodymorph from DAZ, with the Zhang Xi character texture from Syltermaid. Her costume for this round is the V4 Armless Bodysuit and Expansion Pack mask, gloves and biker boots (use the flat heel morph on the biker boots.) To make it easier on everyone, I chucked most of the reflection maps displayed from the previous rounds. All you need are Quagnon's gold reflection map from Animotions and Creed3D's "dragon scales" bump map from RDNA. Anyone need any further help, don't hesitate to ask.

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