Extreme Heromorph Makeover 2

Posted by Winterhawk on 2008/6/10 20:05:54
Way back in 2005 we had a little challenge called Extreme Heromorph Makeover.

You have to take something that is "lame" and/or "made for Kids" and give it a makeover to make it cool again and bring it into todays standards.

Example: The Smurfs by Kinnairi

You can do anything from Superheroes, to Cartoons characters, Live action, what ever you want. Your goal is make it better make it cooler, Make it kick some Ass!!!

Due date July 15,2008.Make sure you put "EM2:" at the beginning of the image or short story title so we know it is part of the contest.

This Post was from: http://heromorph.com/heromorph2/newbb/viewtopic.php?forum=16&topic_id=2145&post_id=25334