Re: Cover Flip

Posted by daswook on 2012/8/28 1:55:14
Let's see if I can put this topic to rest eloquently...
Heromorph is a place toshare art and have fun. Once we begin to take ourselves too seriously the fun ends and the art becomes less impressive. Here at Heromorph I learned how to manip and my artistic ability was re-ignited, therefore Heromorph will always be a special place to me and to countless others I'm sure. Sure sometimes we may step on somebody's toes from time to time but it is up to thatartist to say "Hey what the f...!" or "S'cool." and we have Mods here who will let us know when we are going too far. One of my very first manips was a character created by Starchild named Alley-Cat. Instead of getting mad at me and spouting on and on about copyright infringements and so forth he actually said he was "honored" that I made a manip of one of his original characters and that comment was the first time I truly felt welcome here. I could be wrong but I believe if the original artist of the Ms.M manip Darqueimages used saw what he did with it, I'm sure he too would be flattered (unless it was Chilly). As for me,I'll be the first to put it out there..."IF ANYONE WANTS TO USE ANY OF MY MANIPS FOR A PIECE GO AHEAD!" After all imitation is a form of flattery and it's not like I'm making any money
off of the manips. I make them for fun and to share with ALL you Morphomaniacs. So ALWAYS remember...Have fun and share art!

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