Re: Explosive Vee Stories!!!

Posted by MissVee on 2007/4/9 20:18:14
Sorry if it's not what you like, so I thought I'd explain what went into it. In putting this project together I talked to several MODs and posted two sample pages explaining what I intended to do before submitting the comic to HM.
Although I used many figures and body parts from previous manips (and swiped a bunch from co04), I spent over 100 hours researching & downloading; photographing, developing, printing, & scanning background photos; and integrating the PMs and dialogue.
Although my PM Comic was "based" on an actual DC Comic -
that Comic was published more than 30 years ago and my PM Comic was "based" on my memory.
In addition, although my "Comic" loosely interpreted the original plot, it was not a scene-by-scene re-draw of the original. This is not a rant or flame - I think you raise legitimate issues, but I thought I'd explain why I went to all this trouble for something you think shouldn't be here. (BTW - I like your stuff - keep up the good work!)

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