Let's all just calm down, as Hawk has stated.
Everything is fine, we have lots of space, nothing to worry about, and shame on me for discussing this sort of future stuff with my fellow Moderators in an open Shout Box.
Really, I am going to take the blame for this, next time I will pick another place to discuss it. I should have known better.
Now, if you want stuff removed for other reasons, by all means, ask away.
I would request, however, that you PM me, Winterhawk, Brick or Optical Intruder privately so as not to induce a panic.
And it should be noted:
No, you cannot delete your postings from the Galleries yourselves, it is a glitch/bug in the system, so please do not repost a better version of your pic and say "I couldn't delete my previous post". That is called not making an effort.
If you want a Moderator to replace an existing post, send the new image to
restore_heromorph@yahoo.comwith an explanation, and one of us will replace the existing image (probably me). You can PM one of us if you really want it to happen ASAP.
Thank you for listening,
That Is All.