Cover Flip

Posted by pijon on 2012/8/12 17:46:21
There's been a lot more activity in the gallery lately. Really great to see Vincent, TartanNinja, DarqueImages, OCP, B and all the others we hadn't seen much of lately posting again. Since there was a decent turnout on that last one, I figure why not strike while the iron is hot and things are active? I'll toss out another challenge:
Cover Flip
Take an existing comic, magazine or book cover and alter it to change it's context. It can be as simple as rewriting some word balloons or as complex as adding, removing and changing figures, costumes, expression, logo, whatever... just turn it into something other than it's original intent and lastly, have fun.

There was a pretty decent turn out for the influence maps challenge but I'd like to see more folks jump into the mix! C'mon you guys! This is designed to be another easy and fun one.
Here's what's been done so far:

Again, big thanks to
Darth Paul, DarqueImages, Magnusch, B, chillyplasma, JMonteiro, machobubba, JrMcDeath, BiohazardDaddy and Vash99 for stepping up to the challenge! Great job, guys!

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