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by JrMcDeath on 2012/9/28 8:35:21

Attention Heromprohers!!!!!!

Wolf, one of our oldest members, has been an active member here since 2004. In eight years he has made a bunch of comments on artwork and has helped us to have some of the most epic, and disturbing, conversations in the shoutbox.
Most of you newcomers probably don?t know him because he has been away from the site for some time with some personal issues. Mainly, his health.

?Wolf, tell us your story.?
?Thanks JR., I will. **Clears Throat**:?

On 19 October 2010, (the day before my 54Th Birthday) I had a stroke; right side of head. One of the ladies from my ward came to visit me... and we started dating, which was good. Then, on 29 July, 2011, I was diagnosed with a massive brain infection...was given a 10--15% chance of surviving...which, thanks to the wonderful people at the Toledo Hospital Neurological ICU, I managed to do. Sandy and me started talking about getting I was not getting any younger, you know.

On 22 October, 2011, I was married to Sandy at the Columbus, OH Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints; and it was starting to look like we had a bright future together. But, the shit really hit the fan about two weeks later. 5 days before the wedding, I was having back pain like you would not believe. They spotted a shadow on the liver; took a biopsy. On 4 November, with Sandy holding my hand for dear life, we were informed that I had Stage 4 Metastatic Cancer of the liver; which had started in the pancreas. And, yes, it is terminal.

The cancer has now started it's work on the upper right portion of my lungs...and we are hitting it with every type of chemo that there is. (some of the chemicals run around $992 per dose...about 5-6oz in liquid size) I've had good days, where I could function like there was nothing wrong...and there have been a lot of days where I could barely stagger to the pooper...and some where the intake of the chemo bags at the Hickman Cancer Treatment Center made me puke up everything. Today is the 2nd day this week I've been able to go online... and close up shop with those I've shared the good times with... I'm on face book... that's where Sandy has promised to post my departure notice.

Guys...we had some great times together...all the on-line quibs, jokes..."will JR EVER grow up...and clean out His Box?? Or the infamous "Who should play Wonder Woman"...the thread that threatened to take the site over. The duels...the contests...the "Xmas Gifts"...ahhh, the memories...we share them all...don't we?

You have yourselves a good life...and, hopefully, I'll see you 'Over There'...and, prayerfully, I WILL find the time to stop by and change JR's litter box--LOL!

Charlie Edward Tennant ?Wolf?

So, before our brother in arms leaves this world for the great beyond, where he is sure to be greeted with a cold beer, a killer lazy boy that massages your back and calves, a pair of those fuzzy toed house shoes, and a killer laptop to keep an eye on Sandy and all of us morons?. This is what we are going to do.

Lets show Wolf that we (the Heromorph Community? for those of you thinking ?Who is ?WE??) appreciate him as much as he has appreciated us over the years.

I asked Wolf how we could honor his life with some artwork and he said? quote ? [I don?t know? uhmmmmm] Anything to do with DR WHO. Can you Picture Amy and River Song as Dominatrices decked out in Leather with whips, riding crops and handcuffs??

So, with this said, (or typed) lets get to work producing some artwork to celebrate Wolf! Dr. Who themed?.. BUT, If you are like me and you don?t know didly about The Doctor, don?t let this stop you from doing anything else. Any picture, any medium, any?. Uhm? well, just get busy.

When you post your image put ?For Wolf? in the subject line so that we know it is a dedication to our boy.

Thanks for your participation