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What's the Better Way to Die

Subject: What's the Better Way to Die
by JrMcDeath on 2009/6/8 8:48:01

I totally stole this from here:

But I thought it was too funny not to share.

What's the Better Way to Die

Since the universal consensus is that Superman #666 rocked the house, it's time for this week's poll.

Question: if Kal-El were to go nuts, and go on a killing spree, and he were going to kill you, how would you rather he did it?

First up is the super-loogy:

As I see it, Pros:
*Quick and relatively painless
*Cool sound effect

*Embarrassing as hell to acknowledge that someone spit you to death
*"Eeewwww" factor

Then there is the super-whistle:

*Not as gross as being covered with Kryptonian spit
*A definite "coolness" factor while repeating the story to others in Hades
*Sorta like Scanners!
*Poetic justice for Jimmy!

*Looks pretty damn painful
*Very unpleasant sound effect
*Inevitable Krypto jokes when discussing your demise with smart asses

There was a Poll on the original Blog, so I am including a poll here. Go vote and lets see how Heromorph would prefer to die at the hands of Supes.