Re: CALL TO ARMS : ATTENTION HEROMORPHERS!!!!! READ....NOW...please. | Subject: Re: CALL TO ARMS : ATTENTION HEROMORPHERS!!!!! READ....NOW...please. by Dark_Knight_DK on 2013/1/5 23:26:24
Quote: pijon wrote: Relieved to hear you are on the road to reconciliation, DK. Still, while the world may not have ended YET... I do believe Jr. completing an image in 3 days might be a sign of a forthcoming apocalypse.
pijon...unfortunately that is going to take a looong time and a lot of time working in making some changes in my person and if she's ready and if she notice positive changes in me we maybe have a second chance...for the moment we're on our own as friends and maybe in a few months we can see each other to take a coup of coffee and maybe that could be the start for the road to reconciliation...for the moment we need to heal.
PS: Still can't believe that Jr. did a manip...and is a good one!!