Re: CALL TO ARMS : ATTENTION HEROMORPHERS!!!!! READ....NOW...please. | Subject: Re: CALL TO ARMS : ATTENTION HEROMORPHERS!!!!! READ....NOW...please. by Wolf on 2013/1/15 22:43:17
got some good news from my oncologist today...tumors are still shrinking; therefore he's gonna reduce the amount of the oxyplatin chemo I am taking by another 20%. he also stated that, 90% of the people diagnosed with the pancreatic cancer that I have are dead within 1 year...and the fact that I am still here is....well, he can't explain it. I told him that God was in my corner...and I go home when HE wants me home. Also, He is putting me on a program of chemo every 3rd wednesday...which is very good news ined! The oxplatin, BTW, makes me hyper-sensative to cold, and is contributing to my neuropathy...but, nothing goo without a little ba tossed in...KWIM?