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Re: TMNT A La Michael Bay...

Subject: Re: TMNT A La Michael Bay...
by JrMcDeath on 2013/5/17 13:42:52

The statement that follow are the express written opinions of ME. The views are not shared by Heromorph or the Moderators. If you are offended. Sweet!

TMNT was horrible when I was growing up. The movie made me want to stick a dull Popsicle stick in my eyes... and just when I thought I would NEVER have to deal with another douche-bag turtle... Thank you Michael Bay for being the Movie re-maker.

OK, here we go. "HI! I am Michael Bay ("Hi MICHAEL"!!) and I will slap my name on any worthless POS re-make and take credit for them. All I have to do is take the original story, add gore, and BAM. Its original.

A Nightmare on Elm Street:
SUCK OOOHHH... Kelly Leak from the Bad News Bears was Freddie. Jackie Haley was a great Rorschach... But horrible as Freddie.

Friday the 13th:
What number is this Friday the 13th? Is it the second or third that is the "Beginning". "I have an idea... lets have a bunch of kids go to a summer camps and get hunt down by a crazy dude." "They made that... 15 time, it is called 'Friday the 13th". "Cool... lets put my name on it!"

The Hitcher:
No... simply... NO.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning:
Again, ANOTHER worn out show about Leather Face. It doens't matter if it is the Beginning... it is still people getting chopped up by crazy inbreeders. YAWN... seen it. The Hills Have Eyes was scarier than this pooh on a reel.

The Amityville Horror:
I should have given up on Michael Bay after this movie... holy shit... really. COME ON!!!!

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre:
HELL YEAH!!!!!!! Jessica Biel.
HELL NO... I do have to admit that Mrs. Timberlake really is not a great actress. But this movie made the poor girl look like... well, I almost thought that her looks couldn't save her.

SOOOO... now you know my opinions on Mr.Bay and his ability to re-make perfectly good movies and turn them into dribble. Even a turd like the original TMNT is going to be even worse once he is done with it.
If he couldn't make Megan Fox look hot in slow motion, I would have begun to think this dude really needs to be run out of Hollywood.

I will not sit back, grab my adult beverage, and let all you Turtle nerds bash me.
