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Re: Meanwhile, back at my Laundry shoppe...

Subject: Re: Meanwhile, back at my Laundry shoppe...
by BikerBot on 2004/10/6 6:36:47

Okay, now hold on, Speedy McFly. There's a little housekeeping in order here.

1- I will gladly lend my judging skills to Winterhawk and Black Alchemy's current duel. (Remember guys, it's not just who gets the pizza and beer to me first, but also the quality of said items...) I assume you are in for judging as well, Jr.?

2- Just to clarify, Billy is the Challenger (although that one can be debated in court, as VagabondEye threw down the gauntlet first, but I believe honor has been satisified in that regard.) Therefore, Vag must choose the weapons. Unless I am mistaken, you have chosen 1-Same Base picture/pictures:"My weapon of choice: same MODEL (I'll suggest Francine Dee, cause she's easy to get and I'm quite "experienced" with her), any shot you can get, ORIGINAL costume WITH 1 PAGE (500 word max) "NARRATIVE". Since you have chosen your weapon, Vag, you must provide the base picture, not Billy. Also, Billy has added the caveat of "my only stipulation...its gotta be mainstream characters...and costumes..." but that also is up to you both.

3- lastly, you must both agree on three judges. (And, hey, the three judges must agree, as well!) Since I am already judging, I offer my services (again, for the same price!) but you may pick any member who is willing.

Charrenging Chef-Birry! Defending Chef-VagabondEye!

Theme Ingledient-Lice!
