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Re: High Quality Pics of Men and Women for Manips

Subject: Re: High Quality Pics of Men and Women for Manips
by ortiz01lgnd on 2007/7/31 11:27:58

ok, now please give me some examples of how I refuse to listen to the helpful suggestions and also of how I'm trying to pick fights, as you claim. If you set your bias aside and not hop on the popular bandwagon, you'll realize that I am open to advice. i have taken suggestions and have been very grateful to those suggesting them ( provided that they dont resort to calling me names --vulgar and/otherwise.) I personally dont understand why they are starting fights with me. Why aren't you focusing your attention on them. Rather your all grouping together against me. Whats the deal with THAT? I started this thred to ask for pics. I was given a few leads. and I am grateful for them. I was also given a few tips about using the smudge tool. At which time, I simply stated that doing so will take time and practice. But in the meantime, I would like to find pics while I develope my smudge tool skills. THATS ALL. so you tell me: Why is everyone all bent outta shape about that? Why are people saying I'm lazy, or that I am speaking about my skills as tho I'm so great and my work is mediocre when all along I have admitted that my skills are @ best only mediocre! All I know is that for all those who've given me suggestions, Thank you. i really appreciate them. But for all of you RETARDED people, who with no basis, claim that I am lazy, or that I feel my work is so great, please get a freakin life! I have already stated OVER and FREAKIN OVER, that MY SKILLS ARE NOT VERY GOOD! So, where is the supposed "ego" that you all claim that I have.? I have also already stated OVER AND OVER that I JUST DONT HAVE SO MUCH TIME IN MY BUSY SCHEDULE, but I do what I can with the little time I do have. So I'm not lazy, I have a life. I also have stated OVER AND OVER that THIS IS NOT MY CAREER. so its not that big of a deal if my skills dont develope over night. For those of you who understand what I'm saying and who wish to continue to offer suggestions, Thank you and I welcome them wholeheartedly. To those of you who are obviously TOO FREAKIN DENSE to understand this simple repetative breakdown, well, what can I say? You're idiots and there's no help for you. Now if I get banned, it would mean that the webmasters are unreasonable and lack common sense because it would mean that they too are unable to see how obvious it is that I AM THE ONE BEING HARRASSED by all of you and that YOU are the ones picking fights with me. I came here to learn, but sad to say, some of you are only looking to start trouble. Let whatever happens happen. Frankly, I'm sick of you ( few) who are starting with me. I'm done!


Masterchief wrote:
Hey Ortiz
I have a question, it seems like everyone has bent over backwards to try and help you and all you want to do is give them static. This site is for artist to show their stuff and learn more to become better. You seem more interested in fighting than learning. Whats the deal? I have recieved instruction from all of these guys on how to improve and their tips do work!!! If you find it hard to listen to them I have only one piece of advice that I can give. Go down to the local book sttore and by "Photoshop for dummies" or go to the local College and enroll in some course. It really irritates me that you don't seem to want to listen to the answers these guys are giving you. Just my .02 worth take it or leave it.

I was going to recommend that you pick up poser or some other 3D art form but I don't think it would help you either. You ego would just get in the way. Just grow up and eiter listen to them or quit wasting their time.
