Hello Fellow Heromorphers,
Today I'd like to say a few things about where you can find us on the Social Networks out there and how you can follow us there and be always updated with what we post on such places.
Facebook, most people already know how, just click
Like on the Fanpages section on the sidebar and that's it.
But we also have a
Twitter and
Google+ pages.
On Twitter we only have 63 followers so far, so if you have a twitter account don't be shy and hit the follow button to be updated with us there.
On Google+, we have a lot of +1s... but only a few people really follow us there. I'm thinking it's because some people don't know that in order to be updated with us on G+, you need to click Follow and then add us into a circle (I know... what was Google thinking
I hope this helps clarify things a bit and we promess to follow everybody in those places as well... kinda.
MySpace is now more directed to music instead of a Social Network, so that's a place we no longer care that much about as sharing updates goes.