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 HO HO HO HEROMORPHERS! It is that most fun time of year again! A time for sharing,giving and a whole lot of Grandma's "special" Eggnog! Remember: To Receive a gift, you must give one. To Sign up you only need to reply to this thread with a list of 3 Characters you would like to have a gift. It will be up to the Giver as to which one they will give as a gift and as to what medium they will use to create it. Example: Lady Heromorph:
- Love Bunny & Mr Hell
- Casey Jones
- Me!
Feel free to make a request of a Medium (3D,Pencil,Photomanip)This will however,be at the sole discretion of the artist making the image. And if you want, an image of each requested character would be appreciated and welcomed.  All images MUST be family friendly. This means no request for anything that would need to go into the adult gallery. Once you have signed up here, you will receive a PM explaining who you will be playing Secret Santa to,along with the deadline and where to submit the finished image. Any questions please feel free to contact any of the mods! Merry Christmas to all! Sign Ups Open until the end of the day of December 2ndSecret Santa deadlines will be December, 24th.
Posted on: 11 11 18 01:45 pm
I am not a real user  I was just created that way.
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Sign Me Up
Ms. Marvel (black suit )
Monica Rambean - Captain Marvel
(Bonus) Lady Heromorph
Posted on: 11 11 18 05:05 pm
" Ride the horse in the direction that it is going."
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I'm in...
Red Sonja
Posted on: 12 11 18 09:35 am
The Metal Shinigami (Moderator) 
Joined: 2004/12/6 17:15
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Sweeeet! I'm In!
1. An Updated take of any one of the Characters from the Dungeons & Dragons cartoon that would be fitting to the Pathfinder setting.
2. Bowsett. It is a cool idea for a character and she has not been seen at HM yet.
3. Liliana Vess from Magic the Gathering
Posted on: 12 11 18 10:12 am
Good? I never claimed to be. Just good at what I do, and today that is being evil. - Dark Wanderer.
Joined: 2011/3/21 20:50
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I'm all in again this year!
1) Blade and Misty Knight
2) Dr. Teeth and The Electric Mayhem
3) Joe Fixit
Posted on: 16 11 18 01:06 pm
"And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit." - The Tick
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Count me in, too.
1. Lara Croft (Tomb Raider Universe) - Any incarnation, any outfit, any genre...Game, Movie, TV, Comic, even artist's own concept.
2. Harley Quinn (DC Universe) - Any incarnation, any outfit, any genre...Game, Movie, TV, Comic, even artist's own concept.
3. Jean Grey (Marvel Universe) - Any incarnation, any outfit, any genre...Game, Movie, TV, Comic, even artist's own concept.
In other words, let your own imagination guide you like Rudolph's bright red nose.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! (Eat lots o' turkey n' stuffin') Merry Christmas to all! (Eat lots o' goose, or ham, or whatever the traditional meal is at your place...)
I love the holiday season!
Posted on: 17 11 18 07:17 pm
Commissioner Gordon: You know I'm violently opposed to police brutality.
Joined: 2012/12/23 21:36
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Okay...I'm in but the last time I did this my computer went out so I will add "Barring any unforeseen misfortunes" I'm in.
1) Spiderman Any scene
2) Any one of my own characters (I like to see other folks take on them)
3) a crime scene, being a detective.
Posted on: 22 11 18 07:59 pm
Commissions starting at $25.00 "Hate on me but you can't deny skill." (Ill mind of Hopsin 4)
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Hell, I almost missed this year! Thank the All-Father for email alerts, you know I'm down for some hastily scrabbled together pencil doodlin's!
Or, y'know, media of choice, 'sall good.
1. Elisa Cameron, (Dark Horse's Ghost) 2. Any Spidey villain, save the symbiotes, not in the recent PS4 game, but redesigned for that universe. 3. Hmm...I 'unno, let's go super-eclectic here and say, something from ElfQuest. Leetah, Cutter, Winnowill, Two-Edge, dealer's choice, right?
Posted on: 23 11 18 04:51 am
We're talking chipmunks, Dave. We can get out of a cat-carrier.
The New Number 2 (Moderator-Like Guy) 
Joined: 2004/5/16 10:33
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Fine, fine, I'm signing up already... Sheesh!
Special non-comic book edition, in alphabetical order:
1. Shego (Kim Possible) 2. Tali'zorah Vas Normandy (Mass Effect) 3. The Thirteenth Doctor (Doctor Who)
Posted on: 23 11 18 10:11 pm
Joined: 2010/7/19 7:34
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hey there, i've been pretty busy lately but lady heromorph and you all have been so supportive soooo sign me up iron fist a character from the 'krypton' tv series fish mahoney
Posted on: 27 11 18 11:14 am
Joined: 2003/8/26 22:16
From halfway between limbo and purgatory
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Oh good, I got in before the sign up deadline. Anyway, here's my picks:
1. Killer Frost (the CW series version)
2. Any or all of the TMNT
3. Alice Abernathy (Resident Evil, as portrayed by Mila Jovovich)
Posted on: 28 11 18 06:49 am
Broaden your horizons, eat interesting people.
Joined: 2010/7/19 7:34
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i meant fish mooney from gotham
Posted on: 28 11 18 01:03 pm
Official Award 
Joined: 2005/10/21 23:05
From Mammoth Mountain
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Secret Santa Signups Closed!
All PMs sent. You should have your giftee name there but if you have any questions or feel you will not be able to complete the image, send a PM To pijon or any of the mods or to the email address included in your PM.
You have until Midnight December 24th to send the image.
All images will be posted on the 25th of December.
Have fun!
Posted on: 2 12 18 09:55 pm
I am not a real user  I was just created that way.
Official Award 
Joined: 2005/10/21 23:05
From Mammoth Mountain
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Oh my! Dragondack has given us so many holiday treats, we're going to start handing them out from now til Christmas to help keep all our Secret Santas motivated! First up is something for little old me! Thanks Dragondack for this great gift and all you do around here!
Posted on: 16 12 18 04:14 pm
I am not a real user  I was just created that way.
Official Award 
Joined: 2005/10/21 23:05
From Mammoth Mountain
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Dragondack has given us so many holiday treats for this year, we'll be handing them out from now til Christmas to help keep all our Secret Santas motivated! Thanks Dragondack for this great gift and all you do around here! Today's treat is for Tazman!
Posted on: 17 12 18 10:07 am
I am not a real user  I was just created that way.
Official Award 
Joined: 2005/10/21 23:05
From Mammoth Mountain
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Dragondack has given us so many holiday treats for this year, we'll be handing them out from now til Christmas to help keep all our Secret Santas motivated! Thanks Dragondack for this great gift and all you do around here! Today's treat is for Obsidian!
Posted on: 18 12 18 11:26 am
I am not a real user  I was just created that way.
Official Award 
Joined: 2005/10/21 23:05
From Mammoth Mountain
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Dragondack has given us so many holiday treats for this year, we'll be handing them out from now til Christmas to help keep all our Secret Santas motivated! Thanks Dragondack for this great gift and all you do around here! Today's treat is for Lord Kuyohashi!
Posted on: 19 12 18 04:55 am
I am not a real user  I was just created that way.
Official Award 
Joined: 2005/10/21 23:05
From Mammoth Mountain
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Dragondack continues to hand out the holiday cheer! Thanks Dragondack for this great gift and all you do around here! Today's treat is for Lord Kuyohashi!
Posted on: 20 12 18 06:38 am
I am not a real user  I was just created that way.
Official Award 
Joined: 2005/10/21 23:05
From Mammoth Mountain
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Dragondack continues to hand out the holiday cheer! Thanks Dragondack for this great gift and all you do around here! Today's treat is for Whiz!
Posted on: 21 12 18 07:37 am
I am not a real user  I was just created that way.
Official Award 
Joined: 2005/10/21 23:05
From Mammoth Mountain
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Just a little reminder that there's only a couple of days left til the deadline for Secret Santa. Christmas is coming up fast! So far I've received Secret Santa gifts from Lord Kuyohashi, Obsidian, Dark Wanderer, Drunken Dragon and Whiz. Congratulations to all of you! Each piece has managed to exceed even my very high expectations. Excellent work, gentlemen! I'm still haven't received gifts from pijon, B, Darque Images, Magnusch and Tazman. I hope you are all doing well and will be able to get your gift in for Christmas but if something has come up and you are not, please let us know so we can try to make arrangements.
Posted on: 22 12 18 09:37 am
I am not a real user  I was just created that way.
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