Hello Heromorph!
I have decided to make your art fight to the death once again. We are going to have fun here at HM. Of course there may be casulties in my wake. Each week two images chosen at Random will be put up against each other in a battle to the death. Well not really to the death, but their will be a poll. and the winner of the poll will carry on to the Next Week! and the end of the Month the last winner will be declared the Month's champion and the image and the artist will get some extra exposure.
Check Back regularly and vote, you will never know what image will be next.
At the end of the Year, All the Monthly Image's will head up against each other in a battle royal (with cheese) to the bitter end to find the Annual Champ!!!
Check this forum each Week for a new image showdown!!
Click below to see the Action and vote!!
Round 1Round 2Round 3Monthly ChampsJan 2015
Previously defeated images: