So, on this chart, where would you place your preference for boob size:" />
(and I'm speaking of comic/erotic art, not the physics of true boob size).
I ask this because I have gotten, of late, a mix of reactions to my various postings of commissioned art and my own poser 'art' on various forums (which all feature huge breasts, by the way).
I would guess the vast majority have no opiniion one way or the other. Its kind of equally split between the extremes, though, of those who love it and those who hate it.
Of those who love it, they sometimes want even bigger breast (beyond the 'size 1' on the chart).
Of those who hate it, it ranges from dislike to total disgust.
I've seen the same 'boob controversy' for other artist. Julius Zimmerman tends to specialize in huge boobs (mainly due to the demands of his buying public), as well as Victor Rinaldi (who Blitz on this forum sometimes colorizes). Espically with Zimmerman, we get an annual "Are the boobs to big?" post.

The answer with his fans is a resounding "No" (but of course they are his fans).
Finally, to categorize myself, "One" is preferred, although "Eight" is the minimum
Final, final note: Hope this doesn't cause a "Flaming Big Boob War" (doesn't that conjure up images?
