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50 States Initiative
2008/9/9 23:22
From The pit of unexplored and unused characters
Posts: 62
Level : 6; EXP : 75
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I really think Marvel Dropped the ball on this one. With their 50 States Initiative they resorted to generic Superheroes or regional Stereotypes, in the manner that they depict Heroes of other countries.

What they should have done is ask "True Believers" for suggestions about powers and traits seem relavent or useful for superheroics in their home state. THis would be an easy and fruitful task through forums, emails, Social Networking or Twitter. Not that I ever heard of these being applied.

So how about we do it instead? Here's the rules: Name a state you feel very familiar with, and compose a team for that state comprised of characters dedicated to its various aspects. They don't have to be OCs or any form of canon. Just compile as many as 7 characters you think would make a fine fit for your home state or territory, or any state or territory you have called home in the past.

Their Superhero names, and powers and team positions are mandatory. Other material, like personal background, politics, character, relationships, etc. are optional.

Another thing. In Secret Invasion, it was revealed that there was a Skrull on every one of the teams. You may choose to out which member is the actual Skrull.

ANd allies who are not or can not be on the team may be counted as extras, but you must state why they are not one the team.

Posted on: 9 11 11 10:01 pm
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Re: 50 States Initiative
2008/9/9 23:22
From The pit of unexplored and unused characters
Posts: 62
Level : 6; EXP : 75
HP : 0 / 143
MP : 20 / 6755

Knockout (Deborah Whitman)Spiderman's ex-Girlfriend who deduced his Secret Identity. After their inevitable breakup, she sought emotional counseling, and fell in with a weight training group. Focusing on vigorous strength training to combat her stress and anxiety, she quickly grew in muscle. An incident with a psionic whose power affect the brain matter, her brain experienced growths in various fields, including memory, reasoning and the senses. On top of that her overall ability to consciously apply her brain rose from at least 10% to a relative 30%. Her role on the team is tactician and Wireless guidance. Currently her muscle mass weighs 157 pounds. The brain enlargements pressed against a growth gland that made her resume growing. After a brain surgery removed the pressure against the gland, she had plastic surgery to make her face more proportionate to her original size. With some choice improvements, of course.
Her current powers are as follows: 1) Heightened receptiveness to her senses, and raised ability to distinguish them from each other, 2) Savant-level memory, idemic and photographic, it is a struggle for her to forget anything, 3) insight to guide her through maverick and adaptable complex stunts, formulated in less than a second.
Her position on the team is tactician. No one makes a move without consulting her first.
Odds of her being a Skrull, 68%. It is lowered because how would the Skrulls know that much about the brain to make something even resembling that kind of brain?

Shellfish (Original Character, legal name Edwin Manchez) An eccentric teleporter who can go anywhere, as long as it?s in the State of Washington. The team uses him as everything from crowd control to advance response to ambassador to small communities who would otherwise be afraid of them. His interests are cooking, humor (often at other people?s expense) exploring, taking things easy. He knows all the backroads in the state, and names himself after his favorite pizza topping, smoked clams. That way his moniker is unprecedented and completely misleading. Two incredibly vital assets for a new guy. The odds of him being a Skrull are 92%, because he is least involved in the team?s personal politics, making him not only the most convenient for their schemes, but the best situated to initiate them.

Hiro Takachiho/Baymax (Big Hero Six Characters, due to their Boy and his Robot dynamic they operate as one unit on this team) Transferred from Japan in a diplomatic exchange, they semi-regularly accompany Shellfish on his excursions around the state, generally to attend museums and other sites that give them a more in depth understanding of their new home. They still keep in touch with their loves back in Japan, and Hiro?s girlfriend Honey Lemon (also Marvel Canon) drops in on at least one occasion to aid the team during visits to see Hiro and his father. Given Hiro?s extensive background as a superhero on a team and a field agent, they keep him on the forefront instead of shut up in the lab. He?s even treated as the de facto leader. Baymax is not given this distinction, because he was built and programmed by Hiro. But his own experience, and the fact that Hiro listens to him gies him tremendous clout within the team.

Risen Graves (OC) Risen graves is a Strigoii, who in life was a blood drinking Necromancer. His given name never comes up because no one can bother to learn to properly pronounce it. He cast a spell upon his own body that sent his soul back into his being when he died. His life as a dark sorcerer made his return as the undead inevitable. His skills in Machiavellian blame-shifting kept him free of suspicion until well after his death. He can enter people?s dreams, reconstitute his own body, revive the very recently deceased, summon as many as five human zombies at once to do his bidding (many more for creatures vermin-sized or smaller) Possesses 500% of the total physical power he had at the moment he died, and dominion/complete understanding of/regeneration of cadavers in his vicinity. He can cast spells, to make the souls of the dead apparent to the living, to open holes in graves for corpses to come and come according to his wishes, to identify magics in his area, and to leech power from mystical enities. His weaknesses include rygimortis, culture shock, low stamina, and an aversion to gatherings of living people numbering as many as 100 strong or more. His voice gives of the sound of a death rattle, making clear communication very difficult for him.

Sea Gull (The Winged guy over Seattle at the end of Civil War) Powers are hyper-efficient flight, above-average flyer maneuverability, Gribbing feet, the ability to sense oncoming storms, feathers that detect, interecpt and mislead radar signals, and the ability (again through the feathers) to pick up radio waves and listen in. That last part doesn?t sound too useful until you consider that police scanners monitor radio waves too. He is the official leader, appointed by the State government, but not acknowledged in this role by his subordinates. He is derided by his teammates, and value by Congress, as a tool who obeys orders from buaerocrats. The other heroes will only go y his orders unquestioning if Hiro and Baymax cannot agree on a course of action. Thusly, he encourages infighting between the father and son.

Lady Liberty (OC, has Liberty Apple tree powers and form) Lady Liberty is a plant woman, probably a Wood Wife of European mythology (At least according to analysts who never did their homework pertaining to what a wood wife looks like). She has super strength, heightened durability, a grip into the soil that means she?s unmovable as long as she?s in contact with the ground. Her body is like a tree, so bullets are not what it takes to bring her down. Her party affiliation is Green Party and she?s on the team largely to get people to associate the state?s apples with strength and vitality. This is due to her primary power. The apples that grow off of her branches each endow a different superpower to whomever eats one for as long as it is in their body.

Bowstring That Will Not Break, ?Bowstring? for short. (OC, a Nez Perce woman)Her tribal name is Tiwiwas, which means ?Bowstring that will not Break.? When asked what her superhero name was, she misunderstood and gave her tribal name. That gave her the operating Moniker she uses today. She has the ability to understand the thoughts of every living creature within 20.2 meters that possesses a Central Nervous system. She can also analyze, copy and share memries of these creatures, and the recently deceased. Once obtained, she can hold onto them forever, in infinite quantity. This lets her never forget anything too. Her fighting style is advanced police training and basic Army training. Her weapons profiency includes a natural adeptitude of staff and spear fighting, and an Olympic degree in sharpshooting. Also has varing degrees of skill with various firearms and small crossbows. Definitely not someone just good for the sidelines.

Maniulator (Ferrel Thompson, Official Marvel Canon) The man who handpicked the team members, in order to prevent them from working together. Believed to be dead after the whole ?discovered he was a robot and short-circuited? incident, he has since risen with an army of doppelgangers at his side to provide a ?death? every time someone wants his head. He is a master of surveillance and manipulation, and his human body seems not to age, possessing a high tolerance for various toxins, including drugs and alcohol. Has conveniently told the State government that his past evil deeds were actually the result of a haywire robot. And they bought it word for word. His resemblance to the Mutant Master who nearly brought nuclear holocaust to the planet is not coincidental. That was another orchestrated doppelganger of his. One he said kidnapped him to take his form and walk amongst humans undetected. And the authorities believed that too. Your tax dollars at work, ladies and gentlemen. He swapped Honey Lemon?s body with a sorcerer?s and gave her the purse that is the source of her powers. This meant his girlfriend conjurer had a superhuman body and magical powers to boot, and there was one more superhero he could control remotely, or puppeteer through memory tampering. It was he who took control of Big hero Six and sicced them upon Alpha Flight. And now he has 3 members of that team where he can hijack them easily?

Honey Lemon (real name unrevealed, Official Marvel Canon) Studying at the University of Washington with a student Visa, she?s close enough to her boyfriend Hiro Takachiho to rise to his aid in the rare event that the team needs her aid. Her purse powers have increased to the point where she can summon it, or telekinetically control it. The purse itself has also gained new abilities. It can now hold any item of any size in any quantity, it can teleport matter, and engulf attacks. Meanwhile, it looks like a regular purse, and can change its humble appearance as it needs to.

Posted on: 18 11 11 10:10 pm
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